PlanetSide 2 Wiki
Page Contents Current As of Patch: 2021-01-27

3.4x Scopes are a range of 3.4x magnification sights that provide excellent magnification, though at the sacrifice of demanding a bulkier frame to do so.

Each faction's 3.4x scopes, including Nanite Systems', are visually distinct from each other. However, they are all functionally the same, providing the same magnification regardless of weapon. 

 Daybreak Cash As with all other attachments, if any instance of this attachment is purchased with Daybreak Cash it will still only be available for the specific weapon it was unlocked for, however it will be available on other characters who can use that same weapon.

Terran Republic[]


Designated Marksman Optics (DMO) and Holographic Dot Sight (HDS) 3.4x scopes are available on the vast majority of weaponry in the Terran Republic.

DMO (3.4x)
Tr weapon scope dmo x3.4
Equipped with a combination chevron/crosshair reticle and 3.4x magnification capabilities, the TR's Designated Marksman Optics functions well at many ranges.
Empire: Icon TR Terran Republic
Cert Cost: 30  Certification Points
DC Cost: 50  Daybreak Cash
HDS (3.4x)
Tr weapon scope hds x3.4
Using a red dot reticle with 3.4x optical magnification, the TR's Holographic Dot Sight performs well in close and mid-range combat scenarios.
Empire: Icon TR Terran Republic
Cert Cost: 30  Certification Points
DC Cost: 50  Daybreak Cash

TSO Optics[]

TSO-series 3.4x scopes are only available on 'Trident' series weaponry, such as the MG-S1 Jackal and MG-A1 Arbalest.

TSO-3.4 (3.4x)
Weapons TR DokuWeapons Attachments Scope4x 001 Red 128x128
This 3.4x magnification variant of Trident's specialty optics extends the shooter's precision well past mid-range.
Empire: Icon TR Terran Republic
Cert Cost: 30  Certification Points
DC Cost: 29  Daybreak Cash
TSO-3.4 (3.4x) — T-Dot
Weapons TR DokuWeapons Attachments Scope4x 001 FactionGreen 128x128
This 3.4x magnification variant of Trident's specialty optics extends the shooter's precision well past mid-range.
Empire: Icon TR Terran Republic
Cert Cost: 30  Certification Points
DC Cost: 29  Daybreak Cash

New Conglomerate[]


OcuLuxx Tacti-Eye (LX Tacti-Eye) and Laser-Assisted Combat Optics (LACO) 3.4x scopes are available on the vast majority of weaponry in the New Conglomerate.

LX Tacti-Eye (3.4x)
Nc weapon scope lx tacti-eye x3.4
Featuring 3.4x magnification and a simple crosshair, OcuLuxx's Tacti-Eye owes it's success to simplicity and ease of use.
Empire: Icon NC New Conglomerate
Cert Cost: 30  Certification Points
DC Cost: 50  Daybreak Cash
LACO (3.4x)
Nc weapon scope laco x3.4
Utilizing a holographic red dot and 3.4x magnification, the NC's Laser-Assisted Combat Optics has significant flexibility over other mid-range scopes.
Empire: Icon NC New Conglomerate
Cert Cost: 30  Certification Points
DC Cost: 50  Daybreak Cash

RNGTEK Optics[]

RNGTEK 3.4x scopes are only available on Modular Gauss Rifle variants, such as the MGR-S1 Gladius and MGR-A1 Vanquisher.

Ax3 (3.4x)
WeaponAttachments NC DokuWeapons Attachments Scope4x 001 Red 128x128
Fitted with 3.4x magnification, the Ax3 optic excels at mid-range target acquisition.
Empire: Icon NC New Conglomerate
Cert Cost: 30  Certification Points
DC Cost: 29  Daybreak Cash
Ax3 (3.4x) — T-Dot
WeaponAttachments NC DokuWeapons Attachments Scope4x 001 FactionYellow 128x128
Fitted with 3.4x magnification, the Ax3 optic excels at mid-range target acquisition.
Empire: Icon NC New Conglomerate
Cert Cost: 30  Certification Points
DC Cost: 29  Daybreak Cash
Ax3 (3.4x) — Blue Diamond
WeaponAttachments NC DokuWeapons Attachments Scope4x 001 FactionBlue 128x128
Fitted with 3.4x magnification, the Ax3 optic excels at mid-range target acquisition.
Empire: Icon NC New Conglomerate
Cert Cost: 30  Certification Points
DC Cost: 29  Daybreak Cash

Vanu Sovereignty[]


Vanu Marksman's Scope (VMS) and V3 Holo 3.4x scopes are available on the vast majority of weaponry in the Vanu Sovereignty.

VMS (3.4x)
Vs weapon scope vms x3.4
The Vanu Marksman's Scope is the standard for mid-range engagements. It uses a minimalistic chevron reticle inside of its Vanu-styled housing.
Empire: Icon VS Vanu Sovereignty
Cert Cost: 30  Certification Points
DC Cost: 50  Daybreak Cash
V3 HOLO (3.4x)
Vs weapon scope v3 holo x3.4
Within its ornate triangular housing, the V3 Holo uses a red dot sight and 3.4x magnification for mid-range combat scenarios.
Empire: Icon VS Vanu Sovereignty
Cert Cost: 30  Certification Points
DC Cost: 50  Daybreak Cash

Corona Optics[]

Corona 3.4x optics are only available on Vanu Esamir's Corona series of weaponry, such as the VE-S Canis and VE-A Lacerta.

Corona 03.4 (3.4x)
WeaponAttachments VS DokuWeapons Attachments Scope4x 001 Red 128x128
The Corona 03.4 is a magnified target acquisition optic suited to open-field combat.
Empire: Icon VS Vanu Sovereignty
Cert Cost: 30  Certification Points
DC Cost: 29  Daybreak Cash
Corona 03.4 (3.4x) — T-Dot
WeaponAttachments VS DokuWeapons Attachments Scope4x 001 FactionTeal 128x128
The Corona 03.4 is a magnified target acquisition optic suited to open-field combat.
Empire: Icon VS Vanu Sovereignty
Cert Cost: 30  Certification Points
DC Cost: 29  Daybreak Cash

Nanite Systems[]


Nanite Systems' NiSGO and LANS 3.4x scopes are available on the vast majority of primary weapons produced by the company.

NiSGO (3.4x)
Icon WeaponAttachment NS Scope4x 003
Nanite Systems launched the NiSGO gun optic much to the delight of designated marksmen across Auraxis. The NiSGO utilize a triple chevron reticule with 3.4x magnification.
Empire: Icon NS Nanite Systems
Cert Cost: 30  Certification Points
DC Cost: 50  Daybreak Cash
LANS (3.4x)
Icon WeaponAttachment NS Scope4x 004
Nanite Systems' laser-assisted gunsight is perfect for situations that need a little more range than a standard reflex scope. The LANS uses a simple red dot reticule with 3.4x magnification.
Empire: Icon NS Nanite Systems
Cert Cost: 30  Certification Points
DC Cost: 50  Daybreak Cash


The ACRA 3.4x scope is primarily only available on heavier Nanite Systems Export weaponry, currently limited to the NS-30 Tranquility, NSX Naginata, NSX Tomoe, NSX Sesshin, NSX Yumi, and NSX Kuwa.

This attachment is purchased with A7 on the NS-30 Tranquility, requiring 25 A7 in place of Certification Points.

ACRA (3.4x)
Icon WeaponAttachment NSX Scope34x
Nanite Systems' refined ACRA 3.4x zoom optic provides the user with better clarity on mid-range targets.
Empire: Icon NS Nanite Systems
Cert Cost: 30  Certification Points
DC Cost: 50  Daybreak Cash

Rosewater ACOG[]

The Rosewater ACOG is currently only available to the PSA-02 Diamondback.

Besides magnification, this scope is visually identical to the Rosewater ACOG (4x).

Rosewater ACOG (3.4x)
Rosewater ACOG
The Rosewater ACOG is preferred during close to mid-range engagements. This optic amplifies magnification by 3.4x.
Empire: Icon NS Nanite Systems
Cert Cost: 30  Certification Points
DC Cost: 49  Daybreak Cash


The Banjo is currently only available to the NS-66 Punisher.

Banjo (3.4x)
Banjo (3.4x)
The Banjo mid-range optic allows for quick target acquisition with a high-contrast crosshair reticle, and 3.4x zoom depth.
Empire: Icon NS Nanite Systems
Cert Cost: 30  Certification Points
DC Cost: 29  Daybreak Cash