Page Contents Current As of Patch: | 2017-07-12 |
Amp Stations are major facilities found on all the continents of Auraxis, except Oshur. Each are a sprawling complex of buildings, with a variety of lay-outs and surrounding outposts, encompassing either a single Control Point encased within a central building, locked tight with shielding, or three Control Points spread throughout the courtyard, each linked to an underground spawn room available to the faction that owns the Control Point, these variations are sometimes called Type 1 and Type 2. There also exists a "Type 3" exclusive to two facilities on Esamir. Within the central buildings of all single-point Amp Stations is a shielded Spawn Control Unit (SCU), which powers the primary Spawn Room available to the Amp Station's defenders. For Amp Stations with several control points (such as Sungrey), there is no SCU. The SCU is also sometimes shielded by a generator inside the ground floor of the tip of the central building (beneath the air terminal), instead of being accesible through the capture progress reaching 50%.
Owning an Amp Station causes stationary Phalanx Turrets in all facilities linked by Lattice to the Amp Station to automatically repair over time.
- Dahaka Amp Station (Type 1)
- Zurvan Amp Station (Type 2)
- Peris Amp Station (Type 1)
- Jord Amp Station (Type 3)
- Nott Amp Station (Destroyed)
- Freyr Amp Station (Type 2)
- Elli Amp Station (Disconnected from lattice)
- Baldur Amp Station (Type 3)
- Kwahtee Amp Station (Type 1)
- Sungrey Amp Station (Type 2)
- Wokuk Amp Station (Type 1)
- Ixtab Amp Station (Type 1)
- Naum Amp Station (Type 1)
- Hurakan Amp Station (Type 1)
Base Layout[]
All types of Amp Stations feature a large shielded central building and a roughly pentagon shaped baily within a ring of fortified walls equipped with (anti)Vehicle shields.
The central structure of the Amp Station is common to all facilities of this type. Contained within are two Vehicle Terminals and a shielded lower room containing either the defenders spawn room, or the SCU. Atop the structure are two Air Vehicle Resupply Pads and a single Air Terminal. There is a balcony across the central-interior of the structure and, if the Amp Station contains only a single control point, this is where the Security Terminal is located. Though not always in the same location, the interior also has two a shielded grav-lifts, which lead up to the top of the building.
The contents of the baily vary drastically between type 1 and type 2 Amp Stations, and the central building experiences minor changes as well. Type 3 Amp Stations are currently a mix of type 1 and 2. In the upcoming update currently accesible on the PTS, the type 3 AMP station will be replaced by a Capture the conduit type
The walls usually remain the same, featuring a mix of anti-vehicle and anti-infantry Phalanx Turrets on the outside of the walls and first level of towers, as well as anti-air Phalanx Turrets on the inner lip of the top level of the towers. The walls usually have an unshielded gap in the "bottom" part of the pentagon allowing vehicles access to a small road-like courtyard, in the case of Baldur Amp Station the "bottom" part is missing entirely.
Type 1[]
Type 1 Amp stations are one of the most easily defensible facilities on Auraxis. Featuring a courtyard shielded from enemy vehicles, an inner building wholly shielded against enemies and single capture point, located within this shielded building. These facilities also boast one of the longest capture timers of all, requiring 7 minutes to capture, with the SCU vulnerable after 3:30. Underground tunnels allow defenders easy and secure access to not only the central buildings SCU room, but also parts of the walls, strategically located above the directional shield generator rooms, allowing a single engineer to slip through enemy lines and repair one of the generators, cutting off the enemies already within the central room from reinforcements.
The baily is filled with multiple buildings, however most of the important places (mainly the generator rooms) are clustered around the front and sides of the central building and within easy reach from the spawn room, leaving the back side of the facility emptier. This however allows the attackers to use the unshielded gates there, to bring sunderers within the walls.
If the Amp Station is a single-point facility, there is a large, shielded building to the front of the central structure that functions as the defender's spawn room. So long as the SCU is alive, this spawn room is completely impenetrable, and provides defenders with tunnels to reach various key locations around the facility.
Type 1 Amp stations are bastions allowing an outnumbered defender to stop, or at least slow down, a numerically superior opponent. If an alert is reaching last 20 minutes before ending, it might be easier to go around them. On game launch, type 1 stations were the only type of Amp station in the game.
Type 2[]
Type 2 Amp Stations are surprisingly vulnerable facilities, while they feature much of the same fortification as type 1, breaching most of it is unnecessary to capture the facility, the capture timer is also a lot shorter, only 4 minutes when all three points are captured and 7 minutes if only two are held by the attacker. The re-capture time however is just as long, meaning that if the enemy holds even a single capture point fully retaking(defending) the facility will take up to 4 minutes. Controlling a point allows its holders faction to spawn in an associated spawn room within the walls and close to the spawn point, regardless of whether or not you are attacking or defending the facility.
Type 2 Amp Stations feature increased ammount of cover throughout the courtyards, as well as several internal walls separating the individual controll point courtyards. The internal walls also separate the main road from the courtyards preventing firing angles of vehicles inside the main walls, as well as making it impossible to drive through the facility without going through the main building.There are several catwalks and stairways alowing infantry to cross the main road.
The three control points are spread throughout the facility, one in each courtyard. A point in the front courtyard between two large buildings on a raised platform with minimal air cover, B point in a L shaped building pressed against a wall (in type 1 containing a directional generator) and point C in small building in the courtyard situated below the groud level.
Type 3[]
Type 3 Amp Stations make use of the capture the conduit facility capture mechanic, featuring 2 Conduits and 3 Repositories. This type of station takes 12 strikes to capture, meaning that with at least a 40 seconds for each strike ,as there can be only one runner at a time per Conduit and the conduit needs some time to recharge after a succesful strike, the base will take something between 4 minutes (with no defender action and at least 2 runners) and more than 12 if only one runner is present. If the directional shields were still online the TtC will increase by another 90 seconds at least.
The Repositories are always located in the same places, two in the places where directional shield generators would be in the case of Type 1 Station and one in the back of the facility on the second floor of the left building. The Alpha Conduit is always located inside the Main building on the walkway, in the place of the typical A point. The B Conduit is located in one of two places, either in the underground back room (in case of Type 1 Station the S.C.U room) of the main building, or inside the fortified "spawn room" style building, with the actual spawn room being then located in the other place. If the conduit is located in the seperate building, it will be protected by a shield generator located in a nearby building, if it is located in the back room, it will be available once the base is half captured, meaning that currently 6 strikes have to be scored for it to become avaiable. The Conduit in the separate building does not require breaching the Main Building first, only overloading a single generator, making this type of facility slightly more vulnerable, yet easier to take back, as repairing the generator will instantly lock the atackers out from the building (currently unknown if atackers already inside can capture more conduits and then exit the building) for at least 90 seconds.
Generator and S.C.U. placement[]
Vehicle gate generators are in all cases close to the gate shielded by them, usually in a small building in Type 1 or under open sky in Type 2 Amp Stations, in the case of Type 3 Amp Stations they are located on the first floor of one of the flanking towers.
Directional shield generators control the entrances to the central building, powering the shields on the main gates as well as the ones barring the lifts to the Roof. In Type 1 Amp stations the generators are in buildings near the walls, one in a large building on the right, the other in a small building situated in a terrain dip on the left side of the main building. Type 2 Amp Stations have both generators directly in front of the gates they control, one on the left side and one on the right.Both have to be overloaded before either of the gates can be passed through. Type 3 Amp Stations have their generators situated to the sides of the central building just as the Type 1, however in different buildings closer to it the L shaped one on the right and the two floor one on the left
S.C.U. protection shield is a shield in some Type 1 Amp Stations, which blocks the entrances to the room the S.C.U. is situated in and makes it invulnerable to overloads. It is situated on the ground floor of the main building, in the space where a doorway would be in Type 2 directly beneath the front lift. If such is the case, the lift to the Air terminal starts from the gallery instead of the ground floor. Some Type 1 do not feature this generator, the shields is disabled when the capture progresses over the 50% mark (3:30). Type 2 Amp Stations do not feature a S.C.U. Type 3 Amp Stations do not feature an S.C.U, however a similar generator is used in ?Baldur amp Station? to protect the B Conduit, it is located in a building on the left side of the B Conduit building.
S.C.U or Spawn Control Unit is a large vertical generator controlling the defender spawn room shields and spawn tubes. In type 1 facilities it is situated in a a room in the central building accessible either from the main room or through a doorway from the back of the central building. If the defenders repair the directional generators in such a facility, this doorway will still allow the attackers to reach the capture point by going through the S.C.U. room, as long as the capture progress is above 50%. In type 3 facilities do not feature a S.C.U. Type 2 Amp Stations do not feature a S.C.U. thus the main spawn room can not be disabled, however the allegiance of the remaining three spawn rooms is tied to the corresponding capture point.
Base Capture[]
To begin capture of an Amp Station, the attacking faction must have a secure link to the facility using the Lattice Link system. Once they have established a link, the attackers can begin the assault.
Using Gate Shield Diffusers, it is possible to immediately begin to capture the control points of single-point Amp Stations, however it is highly recommended to instead take down the Vertical and Horizontal generators first. Once the capture progress is half-way in the attacker's favour, the SCU will become vulnerable to attack, as the shield will fall. This is the attacker's crucial moment to secure the facility.
For multi-point Amp Stations, it is vital that the attackers secure a control point as soon as possible, to ensure they have a secure spawn location. Unlike single-point Amp Stations, the attackers must capture and hold more than one control point at a time to begin capture progress. This gives the defenders a notable advantage, as they can greatly slow the attacker's progress by simply holding one control point, as the attackers must hold all three to capture at maximum efficiency.
In case of the Type 3 facility, it is currently impossible to start a capture before destroying the shield generators, because a flag carrier can not enter any vehicles and the shields prevent travel both ways. Even using a Gate Shield Diffuser vehicle will not help. As such it is necessary to first gain controll of the Genrator rooms, overload them and then protect the generator wreckage to prevent the defenders from repairing them. Even a single repaired generator would prolong the capture by 90 seconds, and could possibly result into the base being resecured, as the time limit between succesfull captures may run out (it is only 3 minutes). The facility with external B conduit is slightly less susceptible to timeout resecures, but requires guarding 3 generator wrecks for maximum efficiency. The facility with internal B conduit will after securing 6 strikes always have a way towards the A conduit (through the back door and the B conduit room) open, no matter the state of the generators.
For further reading, see Base Capture Mechanics.
Offensive Strategy[]
Basic Notes[]
Due to the size of the facility, the Amp Station is accessible from various angles, and is also largely exposed to the air. Use this to your advantage, and attempt to mount a multi-fronted assault on the Amp Station to split the defender's numbers.
You can breach the walls of the Amp Station in a variety of ways. The easiest is to climb the wall, either by cleverly jumping up the various outcroppings, or using a Light Assault. The more effective method is to send infantry strike teams to secure and disable the Vehicle Shield generators that power the barriers around the walls. This will allow you to insert Sunderers and other vehicles directly into the Courtyard and force the defenders to retreat.
If you are attacking a multi-point Amp Station, make an effort to focus your defensive power on a single control point, whilst sending comparatively smaller squads to assault the remaining two, as the spawn rooms linked to a control point are invaluable for maintaining an attack where Sunderers remain vulnerable.
When attacking a single-point Amp Station, speed is of the essence. The faster you can disable the Vertical and Horizontal shield generators, the more likely you will be to successfully control the base. Once those generators are down, send Infiltrators into the main building to hack the vehicle terminals, and spawn Sunderers within the actual building itself. Though they cannot deploy, members of the Sunderer driver's squad can spawn directly into the vehicle, and the truck's Guns are nothing to be dismissed either.
It is also important to make ample use of the Amp Station's surrounding outposts, which provide a vehicle terminal. These outposts are very close to the Amp Station, allowing you to reinforce your attack within moments, bringing in new Sunderers, or bolstering your armor columns.
Infantry Composition[]
Amp Stations contain an immense amount of cover and buildings compared to any other bases that can be found on Auraxis. Light Assaults and Infiltrators can use this to immense effect. By fighting in the vertical, they can keep themselves hidden whilst taking out Combat Medics, Engineers, Heavy Assaults and MAXes who have no hope of fighting back.
Controlling the walls is also vitally important for assaulting the generators. The defenders will often have tunnels allowing them to safely get onto the walls, so it is crucial that attackers have infantry watching these entrances, ready to pick off defenders who are trying to flank the generators and control points. If the attackers lose control of the walls, the defenders will be able to easily prevent them from reinforcing key points, which will allow the defense instead to secure them, setting the assault back a large amount.
Due to the close-quarters nature of the ground battle within the Amp Station, MAXes can be extremely helpful for securing buildings containing generators and security terminals, as infantry will often be within the combat suit's effective range. And, due to the nature of the fight as an extended endurance tournament, Heavy Assaults will be vital for holding areas without draining the attacker's Nanites.
Ground Vehicle[]
Once the attacking Infantry have disabled the Vehicle Shield generators, the Courtyard will be open to armor. Depending on the layout of the base, however, this can prove to be more dangerous for the vehicles than it is worth. Aside from Sunderers, ground vehicles are extremely vulnerable to C-4, and the heavily vertical design of the Amp Station makes it incredibly easy for Light Assaults to gain elevation above armor, and drop C-4 upon their unsuspecting crews. Instead, use the open areas just past the now-deactivated Vehicle Shield gates as an area of safety, whilst using splash damage to support infantry within buildings.
Air Vehicle[]
Ground strike from aerial vehicles can be useful in Amp Stations, however it can prove risky for aircraft to attempt to assault ground forces at the start of the attack. Due to the large amount of Aspis Phalanx Turrets, aircraft can be quickly torn apart by Flak whilst the defenders still control the walls. Aircraft should instead be held off until the walls have already been secured, then aid ground troops in keeping the generators secure whilst they overload, or preventing the defenders from recapturing control points.
Defensive Strategy[]
Basic Strategy[]
Amp Stations are amongst the most defensible bases on Auraxis. With nooks and crannies throughout the base for anti-personnel mines, to the numerous Phalanx Turrets upon the walls, the defenders are well-set to make any attacks upon these facilities a hard fight.
It is crucial to prevent attackers from bringing Sunderers into the walls. If any are found, destroying them is the top priority. The further the attackers have to fight to reach generators and control points, the easier your defense will be. It is also vital to ensure your anti-air Phalanx turrets, at the bare minimum, are attended to. Without them, the walls will begin to act as a cage, rather than protection from attack, and aircraft will be able to easily mop up your defenses.
Finally, ensure the central building is well defended. It is your only safe bastion and, in some cases, the location of the control point. Set up Tank Mines to prevent enemies using Gate Shield Diffusers from entering the building.
Infantry Composition[]
With the benefit of being able to use the internal grav-lifts, the defenders are more well-set to use the vertical advantage in the Amp Station. Get Infiltrators with Sniper Rifles up on the roof to pick off defenders, and make ample use of your ability to easily reach any point within the Amp Station using the roof.
You also have access to the tunnels beneath the Amp Station, leading you to key points around the facility. These will be your greatest asset, and will allow organised groups to quickly clear any areas where it is needed. When a tunnel exit is compromised, use MAXes to clear the exit before your weaker infantry take the grav-lift to the surface.
Remember that you will have the element of surprise upon attackers, so use anti-personnel mines, tank mines, and other such weaponry to great effect to hamper their advance.
Ground Vehicle[]
Unlike the attackers, you have no no-deploy zones to worry about. Use this to your advantage and set up Sunderers throughout the Courtyard, and within the central building, to allow you to quickly reinforce key objectives.
Inside the base, there is hardly any room for vehicles to move, especially those of the defenders, so get outside the walls and begin to harass enemy armor and Sunderers located outside. You can also prevent the enemy from bringing in new Sunderers which, in a single-point Amp Station especially, are vital to their victory and your defeat.
Air Vehicle[]
As you control the anti-aircraft guns, you can use your own Aircraft with impunity. Make use of the cage-like walls to decimate attackers as they attempt to assault key locations, and try to take out enemy Sunderers, or at least spot them for your ground forces. You can also use the Air Resupply Pad to quickly regain ammo, allowing you to sustain your assault.
- The front side of the central building I keep using to describe the facility is the "pointy end" of the building with the air terminal, the back side is the one with the SCU entrance/ towards the B and C spawn rooms. Right and left sides are then accordingly named as if looking from the back to the front of the facility.
Type 3 Amp stations used to feature 2 controll points outside the main building, an internal spawn room and an SCU in the "original spawn room" location. If only the external points were captured by the atacker the facility will be captured in 7 minutes, if however the A point within the central building was captured, the timer will have been reduced to 2:10 at maximum, even less if the facility has been contested for some time already. In type 3 facilities the S.C.U used to be located in the fortified "spawn room" building, which was protected by a shield generator located in the main building ground floor.
Both Type 3 facilities were changed to the new capture the conduit facility capture mechanic in the November 17,2022 update.