PlanetSide 2 Wiki
Page Contents Current As of Patch: 2023-02-15
BX Adapter
BX Adapter
This adapter adds an alternate fire mode that unleashes a torrent of rounds after a 0.8 second spinup. Two rounds are fired per shot at a higher rate of fire. While the damage per pellet is reduced, overall damage output greatly increases.
Cert Cost: 200 Certification Points
DC Cost: 99 Daybreak Cash
General Info
Fire Rate: 750 RPM
Muzzle Velocity: 350m/s
Fire Modes: 9x Burst
Headshot Multiplier: 2x
ADS Move Speed Multiplier: 0.75x
Max Damage:
before 6m
Min Damage:
after 42m
Reload Speed
Short Reload: 2s
Long Reload: 2.6s
Magazine Size: 30
Ammunition Pool: 230
Pellet Count: 2
Crouch Still: 1
Move: 1.25
Stand Still: 1
Move: 1.5
Bloom per Shot: 0.06
Pellets Spread: 2
Vertical: 0.2
Horizontal, Min/Max: 0.3/0.3
Horizontal Tolerance: 1
Angle Min/Max: 0°/0°
Bias: ← = →
Recoil Decrease: 18
First Shot Recoil Multiplier: 2x
Data Sources?
Census DBG API source:

BX Adapter API Data,
Fire Mode API Data

Census LF API source: BX Adapter API Data,
Fire Mode API Data

The BX Adapter is a rail attachment.

The adapter functions as an underbarrel attachment, adding an alternate firemode with a unique functionality. When the trigger is pulled, the adapter begins firing after an 800ms (0.8s) delay, unloading its magazine two bullets at a time at 750 RPM until the trigger is released or the magazine empty. The adapter can only be fired from the hip, with the aim key serving no function.

The adapter shares its magazine and ammunition pool with its parent weapon, meaning that firing a round from either will deduct a bullet from both firemode's shared magazine, and reloading one will similarly reload the shared magazine.

The adapter is completely unaffected by attachments on the parent weapon—a Hybrid Suppressor will not reduce the sound of the adapter or stop it revealing the shooter on the minimap, and neither KCAP Ammunition nor Soft Point Ammunition have any impact on the adapter's damage, fall-off ranges, or velocity.

To use an underbarrel attachment, press the weapon's Gear Slot hotkey (Gear Slot 1, 1 by default) whilst the parent weapon is held in hand.


BX Adapter Availability
Terran Republic
Submachine GunsMG-S1 Jackal


Versus Infantry
Infantry Body part Shots to Kill
0-6mAfter 42m
Icon Light AssaultInfantry Head 23
Torso 4(4)6(6)
Legs 5(5)7(7)
Icon InfiltratorInfiltrator Head 23
Torso 4(4)6(6)
Legs 4(4)6(6)
Icon Heavy AssaultHeavy Assault Overshield Head 35
Torso 6(6)9(9)
Legs 7(7)10(10)
Icon MAXMAX Head 2030
Torso 40(50)60(75)
Legs 45(56)67(83)
Theoretical Time To Kill
Infantry Body part 0m 6m 42m
Normal Suit Normal Suit
Icon Light AssaultInfantry Head 0.08s 0.095s - 0.265s -
Torso 0.24s 0.255s - 0.505s -
Icon InfiltratorInfiltrator Head 0.08s 0.095s - 0.265s -
Torso 0.24s 0.255s - 0.505s -
Icon Heavy AssaultHeavy Assault Head 0.16s 0.175s - 0.425s -
Torso 0.4s 0.415s - 0.745s -
Icon MAXMAX Head 1.52s 1.535s - 2.425s -
Torso 3.12s 3.135s 3.935s 4.825s 6.025s
Versus Vehicles
Vehicle Armor Facing Shots to Kill
Before 6m After 42m
Link=FlashFlash - 30 (on fire @ 24) 45 (on fire @ 36)
Composite Armor 4 - 39 (on fire @ 32) 59 (on fire @ 47)
Link=HarasserHarasser - 77 (on fire @ 62) 115 (on fire @ 92)
Composite Armor 4 - 93 (on fire @ 74) 138 (on fire @ 110)
Sunderer DiagramSunderer - Immune
Blockade Armor 4 - Immune
Deployment Shield 4 - Immune
ANT DiagramANT - Immune
Lightning DiagramLightning Front/Top Immune
Prowler DiagramProwler/
Magrider DiagramMagrider
Front/Top Immune
Chimera DiagramChimera Front/Top Immune
Vanguard DiagramVanguard Front/Top Immune
Mosquito DiagramReaver DiagramScythe DiagramESF - 48 (on fire @ 39) 72 (on fire @ 58)
Composite Armor 4 - 53 (on fire @ 43) 79 (on fire @ 63)
Valkyrie DiagramValkyrie Front/Side/Top/Rear 120 (on fire @ 96) 179 (on fire @ 143)
Bottom 240 (on fire @ 192) 358 (on fire @ 286)
Composite Armor 4 Front/Side/Top/Rear 138 (on fire @ 111) 206 (on fire @ 165)
Bottom 276 (on fire @ 221) 411 (on fire @ 329)
Dervish DiagramDervish - 94 (on fire @ 75) 139 (on fire @ 112)
Composite Armor 4 - 103 (on fire @ 83) 153 (on fire @ 123)
Liberator DiagramLiberator - Immune
Composite Armor 4 - Immune
Galaxy DiagramGalaxy - Immune
Composite Armor 4 - Immune
Bastion Fleet Carrier DiagramBastion Weak Point - Immune


March 30, 2022 Update (The Arsenal Update)

  • BX Adapter no longer reduces magazine size, and uses the existing weapon ammo pool.
  • BX Adapter now consumes two rounds per shot.
  • BX Adapter's refire rate from 60ms to 80ms.
  • BX Adapter no longer prevents barrel slot items from being equipped.

Dev Note: These changes increase the usefulness of the BX Adapter in far more situations, and prevent it from harming the base usefulness of the weapon as it had before.

February 8, 2018 Update

  • BX Adapter icon changed.
  • BX Adapter received an updated tooltip.
  • BX Adapter no longer reduces ammo capacity.
  • BX Adapter reload speed from 2.25sec./2.92sec. to 2sec./2.6sec. (Same as the default reload.)
  • BX Adapter can no longer be equipped at the same time as the Hybrid Suppressor.

Dev Note: We decided to keep the BX Adapter a niche attachment while fixing some quality of life issues it created.

December 7, 2017 Update

  • Added to the game.