PlanetSide 2 Wiki
Page Contents Current As of Patch: 2021-07-01

Boosts are temporary character-locked benefits available to players. They are unlocked through purchase with Daybreak Cash ( Icon Daybreak Cash ).

Boosts allow you to temporarily increase the rate at which you earn Experience Points, Nanites, both Experience Points and Nanites, or both Experience Points and Merit, by 50% for the listed duration. Some boosts also allow you to gain an additional 5% boost whenever you are in a squad, which will also be granted to all of your squadmates.

Most boosts are available for purchase in the Depot, but longer duration 'Heroic' boosts are available from Anniversary Bundles.

Players can equip up to two boosts at a time, which stack additively. If a player has two boosts of the same type equipped, they can receive 100% increased gains to that resource type (and provide up to 10% bonus squad experience, if applicable).

Unlike most items purchased with Daybreak Cash, Boosts are limited solely to the character they are purchased on, including those obtained from bundles.

To access boosts, go to the My Character menu tab, then Boost, or simply click the Boost placeholders at the top-right of the main menu. Only one boost can be equipped in each slot at a time, although players can override a boost at any time.

Experience Boosts[]

Boost Benefit Duration Cost
Icon implant XP 03 128
Experience Boost
Increases experience gain by 50% for X.
Icon implant XP 01 128
1 hour
125 Daybreak Cash
Icon implant XP 02 128
1 day
250 Daybreak Cash
Icon implant boost xp 3day 128
3 days
399 Daybreak Cash
Icon implant XP 03 128
7 days
499 Daybreak Cash
Icon implant socialXP 03 128
Squad Experience Boost
Increases experience gain by 50% and squad experience gain by 5% for X. Squad xp bonus stacks with other squad xp boosts.
Icon implant socialXP 01 128
1 hour
175 Daybreak Cash
Icon implant socialXP 02 128
1 day
350 Daybreak Cash
Icon implant socialXP 03 128
7 days
699 Daybreak Cash
Icon implant 50xp 6month
Heroic Boost
Increases experience gain by 50% and squad experience gain by 5% for X. Squad xp bonus stacks with other squad xp boosts.
Icon implant 50xp 1month
1 months
Store Bundles (?)
Icon implant 50xp 3month
3 months
Store Bundles (?)
Icon implant 50xp 6month
6 months
Store Bundles (?)
Icon implant 50xp 12month
12 months
Store Bundles (?)

Merit Boosts[]

Boost Benefit Duration Cost

Merit Boost
Increases Merit & experience gain by 50% for X. 1 hour 174 Daybreak Cash
1 day 349 Daybreak Cash
3 days 559 Daybreak Cash
7 days 699 Daybreak Cash
1 month Captain's Resurgence Bundle
Heroic Merit Boost Increases Merit & experience gain by 50% for X. 6 months Warlord's Resurgence Bundle

Nanite Boosts[]

Boost Benefit Duration Cost
Nanite Boost
Increases nanite gain by 50% for X.
Icon implant resources 01 128
1 hour
75 Daybreak Cash
Icon implant resources 02 128
1 day
149 Daybreak Cash
Icon implant boost resources 3day 128
3 days
250 Daybreak Cash
Icon implant resources 03 128
7 days
299 Daybreak Cash


The following boosts were previously available for purchase or as a reward from numerous events earlier in the game's lifespan, however are now no longer available and are listed for posterity only.

Alpha Squad[]

Although these boosts cannot be obtained by players who did not purchase the Alpha Squad package during the PlanetSide 2 Beta, anyone who did purchase that package will still receive an Alpha Squad boost on any new characters they create on that account.

Boost Benefit Duration Cost
Icon alphaSquadImplant tier01 128
Alpha Squad Boost
Increases xp and resource gain by 50% and squad xp gain by 5% for X. Squad xp bonus stacks with other squad xp boosts.
Icon alphaSquadImplant tier01 128
6 months

Hyper Boosts[]

Initially available for purchase, and later given out as rewards to participants of certain in-game events.

Boost Benefit Duration Cost
Icon implant boost 100 3day 128
Hyper Boost
Increases experience gain by 100% for X.
Icon implant boost 100 1day 128
1 day
Icon implant boost 100 3day 128
3 days

Resource & Experience Boosts[]

Previously available as a reward from the Recruiter Rewards program which ended in June 2015, and then later re-added as random reward from Meltdown Alerts introduced in the September 26, 2017 Update (Critical Mass). Once again made unavailable after item drops were removed as a reward from alerts.

Boost Benefit Duration Cost
Icon implant boost 3030 1day 128
Resource & Experience Boost
Increases experience and resource gain by 30% for X.
Icon implant boost 3030 1day 128
1 day

Merit Vendor Boosts[]

These 30-minute boosts were previously available from the Merit Vendor found on Sanctuary, but were removed with the July 1, 2021 Update (_Integration)

Boost Benefit Duration Cost
Icon implant XP 03 128
Experience Boost
Increases experience gain by 50% for X.
Icon implant XP 02 128
30 minutes
Icon implant resources 03 128
Nanite Boost
Increases resource gain by 50% for X.
Icon implant resources 02 128
30 minutes