PlanetSide 2 Wiki
Page Contents Current As of Patch: 2023-02-15
Capsulate Ammunition
Capsulate Ammunition splits the weapon's damage evenly among two pellets, reduces pellet spread by 75% from the hip and 50% while aiming down sights, and reduces magazine size by 4.
Empire: Icon VS

Capsulate Ammunition is an ammo type.

While loaded, capsulate ammunition reduces the number of pellets in each shot to two, and reduces the weapon's magazine size by 4 rounds. In exchange, damage-per-pellet is split across those two pellets, to retain the same overall damage-per-shot. Additionally, the weapon's pellet spread is reduced by 75% when firing from the hip, and 50% when aiming down sight.


Capsulate Ammunition Availability
Vanu Sovereignty
CarbinesVE-C Horizon


VE-C Horizon[]

While loaded in a VE-C Horizon, capsulate ammunition splits the damage equally to retain a total potential damage per shot of 168 before 10 meters, and 126 after 60 meters. The exact changes are as follows;

  • The maximum damage per pellet is improved from 56 damage-per-pellet to 84 damage-per-pellet.
  • The minimum damage per pellet is improved from 42 damage-per-pellet to 63 damage-per-pellet.