PlanetSide 2 Wiki
Page Contents Current As of Patch: 2021-11-18
2021-07-01 Defector Promo

Official Overview[]

"A new combat unit has entered the battlefield! Though it's uncertain who is behind its creation, this hijacked robotic husk is wired with explosives, and appears devoid of the typical moral restraints that come with Nanite Systems sanctioned operators. With an increased health pool, built-in grenade launcher, deadly melee capabilities, and two utilities - a bubble shield that protects nearby allies, or a powerful time bomb - the Defector can annihilate entire squads in close-range combat without springing a gear. Be wary of its generator lights: that means its abilities are active!

Nanite Systems has noted an uptick in missing combat units, and would like to remind all leaseholders that tampering with, disabling, or otherwise preventing the return of these units is unauthorized, and will result in immediate contract termination."


Defector Class Certifications
Category Certification Name Levels and Cost
MAX: Ability Slot Emergency Repair
Auto GrantedActivate to repair 20% of the MAX's health over 12 seconds. Can be activated once every 60 seconds.
100Activate to repair 20% of the MAX's health over 12 seconds. Can be activated once every 57 seconds.
150Activate to repair 20% of the MAX's health over 12 seconds. Can be activated once every 54 seconds.
400Activate to repair 20% of the MAX's health over 12 seconds. Can be activated once every 51 seconds.
500Activate to repair 20% of the MAX's health over 12 seconds. Can be activated once every 48 seconds.
1000Activate to repair 20% of the MAX's health over 12 seconds. Can be activated once every 45 seconds.
Time Bomb
DefaultActivate to turn the Defector into a walking bomb that explodes at the end of 12 seconds. While active, you gain 25% additional armor, lose 10% movement speed, and weapons no longer produce heat. If killed before the countdown is complete, you will be defused.
150Activate to turn the Defector into a walking bomb that explodes at the end of 12 seconds. While active, you gain 31% additional armor, lose 10% movement speed, and weapons no longer produce heat. If killed before the countdown is complete, you will be defused.
400Activate to turn the Defector into a walking bomb that explodes at the end of 12 seconds. While active, you gain 36% additional armor, lose 10% movement speed, and weapons no longer produce heat. If killed before the countdown is complete, you will be defused.
500Activate to turn the Defector into a walking bomb that explodes at the end of 12 seconds. While active, you gain 38% additional armor, lose 10% movement speed, and weapons no longer produce heat. If killed before the countdown is complete, you will be defused.
1000Activate to turn the Defector into a walking bomb that explodes at the end of 12 seconds. While active, you gain 40% additional armor, lose 10% movement speed, and weapons no longer produce heat. If killed before the countdown is complete, you will be defused.
Seraph Shield
150Creates a protective bubble around the Defector that blocks incoming projectiles using the Defector's health pool. While active, Defector's armor is increased by 60%, and movement speed is decreased by 40%. Lasts up to 8 seconds. 60 second cooldown.
400Creates a protective bubble around the Defector that blocks incoming projectiles using the Defector's health pool. While active, Defector's armor is increased by 60%, and movement speed is decreased by 40%. Lasts up to 8 seconds. 50 second cooldown.
500Creates a protective bubble around the Defector that blocks incoming projectiles using the Defector's health pool. While active, Defector's armor is increased by 60%, and movement speed is decreased by 40%. Lasts up to 8 seconds. 47.5 second cooldown
1000Creates a protective bubble around the Defector that blocks incoming projectiles using the Defector's health pool. While active, Defector's armor is increased by 60%, and movement speed is decreased by 40%. Lasts up to 8 seconds. 45 second cooldown.
MAX: Suit Slot Nanite Auto Repair System
Auto GrantedRepairs 1% every second. Damage disables repairs for 8 seconds
200Repairs 2% every second. Damage disables repairs for 8 seconds
400Repairs 2.5% every second. Damage disables repairs for 8 seconds
500Repairs 2.75% every second. Damage disables repairs for 8 seconds
1000Repairs 3% every second. Damage disables repairs for 8 seconds
Ablation Mesh
500When Time Bomb or Seraph Shield are first activated, the damage mitigation received from those abilities is increased by 50% for 2 seconds.
Hypermatic Servos
500Removes the movement speed penalty of Time Bomb, and reduces the movement speed penalty of Seraph Shield to 25%. In addition, you accelerate into a sprint more quickly at all times.

Class Abilities[]

The Defector retains access to the Emergency Repair ability as a MAX-type class, however totes access to two unique class-specific abilities.

Seraph Shield[]
Main article: Seraph Shield
Seraph Shield Cert Icon
Seraph Shield is an active ability available to the Defector. It is unlocked and upgraded using Certification Points. Seraph Shield allows the Defector to create a large faction-colored shield around itself which directs all damage taken into the combat unit, preventing it from harming those inside the bubble, and decreases the damage taken by the unit for its duration.

Main article: Time Bomb
Time Bomb Cert Icon
Time Bomb is an active ability available to the Defector. It is auto granted at rank 1, and upgraded using Certification Points. Activating Time Bomb begins a 12 second fuse. While the fuse is counting down, the Defector gains increased armor and its weapons will not produce heat when fired. At the end of the countdown, the defector detonates, dealing massive damage to all nearby infantry and vehicles, and significant damage to itself.

Usable Equipment[]

The Defector has access to any implant usable by MAX-units.


  • December 17, 2019 Update (Spark and Snow)
    • Added to the game.
      • NSO characters now have access to the Defector infantry class.
      • The Defector acts as a "MAX unit" with the same implied restrictions (long revive time, healed by repairs, cannot enter certain vehicles.)
      • While more agile than a typical MAX unit, it also has less resistance to damage.
      • A grenade launcher primary weapon can dispatch infantry and vehicles alike, and makes use of heat technology that constantly nano-prints new explosives to throw.
      • It has access to two Utilities, the first turns the unit into a walking time-bomb, and the second creates a bubble shield that protects nearby allies.
  • January 15, 2020 Update (Empire Strength)
    • General
      • NSO Defector units are no longer revivable with Revive Grenades. (As mentioned above.)
      • We've decided to let Defectors continue to contest capture points for the time being.
      • Defectors now receive the Maximum Pressure event discount.
      • You can now hear this unit's footsteps in first person.
      • Adjusted Defector's loadout screen camera.
      • Fixed various animation-related issues.
    • Weapons
      • Grenade Printer (Primary Weapon)
        • Grenade Printer's cooldown speed increased by 20%.
        • Weapons medals are now properly tracked.
        • Mini-map firing signature from 1 to 60.
      • Defector Claws (Melee Weapon)
        • Now earns weapon medals.
    • Abilities
      • Time Bomb
        • Time Bomb's movement speed penalty from 25% to 10%.
      • Seraph Shield
        • Now has new audio.
        • Seraph Shield can now be toggled off manually.
        • Seraph Shield movement speed penalty from 50% to 40%.
        • Seraph Shield duration from 8 seconds at all ranks to 8/10/11/12 seconds at ranks 1 through 4.
    • Defensive Slot
      • Ablation Mesh
        • New Defensive Slot Certification
        • When Time Bomb or Seraph Shield are first activated, the damage mitigation received from those abilities is increased by 50% for 2 seconds.
      • Hypermatic Servos
        • New Defensive Slot Certification
        • Removes the movement speed penalty of Time Bomb, and reduces the movement speed penalty of Seraph Shield to 25%. In addition, you accelerate into a sprint more quickly at all times.
  • June 17, 2020 Update (Enter: Colossus)
    • NSO Defectors no longer have the creepy human head in the second loadout slot.
  • July 1, 2021 Update (_Integration)
    • Nanite Auto-Repair (Defensive Slot)
      • Repair from 0.5/0.75/1/1.25/1.5% health restored per second to 1/2/2.5/2.75/3% health restored per second.
      • Dev Note: Rarely in competition Kinetic Armor and Ordnance Armor, Nanite Auto-Repair has received a buff.
    • The NSO MAX unit, the Defector, has received a visual update, and has received two new weapons.
    • Weapons
      • D7 Hummingbird - A modified grenade printer that fires lock-on drones capable of anti-aircraft duty.
      • D11 Detonator - A long-range anti-armor artillery shell that increases in damage potential the further it travels.
    • Additional Changes
      • The Defector can now equip implants available to MAX units.
      • Time Bomb now removes weapon heat when active, and has been given an additional upgrade rank.
      • Now has access to the Emergency Repair ability.
      • A later update with better match the Defector's hitbox with its new visuals.

