PlanetSide 2 Wiki
Page Contents Current As of Patch: 2021-07-01
Dervish Promo

Dervish Side View
The Dervish is an airborne, heavy fighter. The pilot commands light forward-facing weaponry while a secondary gunner operates a top-turret that is capable of warding off enemy air vehicles and applying additional pressure to attack targets.
Type: Heavy Fighter
Empire: Icon NSO
Cost: 350 Nanites
Health: 3,500
For Armor and Damage resistance details see this article.
Top Speed: 198 km/h
Top Afterburner Speed: 263 km/h
Decay: 5 Minutes
Nose Cannons: DV-22 Raycaster,
DV-21 Lotus,
Dervish Top Turrets: DV-22T Lightweaver,
DV-LAT Pixie,

The Dervish is a heavy fighter available to Nanite Systems Operatives.

Sacrificing agility for durability and firepower, the Dervish is notably less maneuverable than a typical fighter. The Dervish is faster than heavier aircraft like the Valkyrie and Liberator, although it lacks their vertical thrusting power. Like the other fighters, though, the Dervish has an in-built afterburner, allowing it to quickly accelerate up to maximum speed and move across the sky faster.

Unique for a fighter, the Dervish is crewed by two people—one pilot, and one gunner. The pilot controls the aircraft and has access to a fixed forward-facing cannon, whereas the gunner controls a top-mounted turret with its own unique selection of weapons.

Dervish Diagram


Dervish Vehicle Certifications
Category Certification Name Levels and Cost
Utility Slot Scout Radar
50Enemies near the aircraft will appear on the map of nearby allies for up to 50 meters.
100Extends the range of the Scout Radar to 100 meters.
200Extends the range of the Scout Radar to 150 meters.
500Extends the range of the Scout Radar to 200 meters.
Decoy Flares
100Activate to disrupt lock-on attempts and missiles tracking the vehicle for 8 seconds. Can be activated once every 35 seconds.
200Activate to disrupt lock-on attempts and missiles tracking the vehicle for 8 seconds. Can be activated once every 30 seconds.
500Activate to disrupt lock-on attempts and missiles tracking the vehicle for 8 seconds. Can be activated once every 27 seconds.
1000Activate to disrupt lock-on attempts and missiles tracking the vehicle for 8 seconds. Can be activated once every 25 seconds.
Ejection System
500When exiting the vehicle, the pilot will now safetly "bail out". The pilot will not take fall damage and will not inherit the vehicles momentum.
Fire Suppression System
Auto-GrantedActivate to repair 25% of the vehicle health over 5 seconds. If the vehicle is on fire when activated, it will also immediately extinguish the flames. Can be activated once every 55 seconds.
100Activate to repair 25% of the vehicle health over 5 seconds. If the vehicle is on fire when activated, it will also immediately extinguish the flames. Can be activated once every 50 seconds.
200Activate to repair 25% of the vehicle health over 5 seconds. If the vehicle is on fire when activated, it will also immediately extinguish the flames. Can be activated once every 47 seconds.
500Activate to repair 25% of the vehicle health over 5 seconds. If the vehicle is on fire when activated, it will also immediately extinguish the flames. Can be activated once every 45 seconds.
Defense Slot Composite Armor
100Increases the vehicle's total health pool by 7%.
200Increases the vehicle's total health pool by 8%.
500Increases the vehicle's total health pool by 9%.
1000Increases the vehicle's total health pool by 10%.
Nanite Auto Repair System
Auto-GrantedRepairs 5% every 5 seconds. Damage disables auto repair for 8 seconds.
100Repairs 5.83% every 5 seconds. Damage disables auto repair for 8 seconds.
150Repairs 6.67% every 5 seconds. Damage disables auto repair for 8 seconds.
200Repairs 7.5% every 5 seconds. Damage disables auto repair for 8 seconds.
500Repairs 8.33% every 5 seconds. Damage disables auto repair for 8 seconds.
Vehicle Stealth
30Increases lock-on time by 0.25 seconds, reduces the auto-detect range of the vehicle to 174 metres, and reduces detection from enemy Engagement Radars by 100 meters.
100Increases lock-on time by 0.5 seconds, reduces the auto-detect range of the vehicle to 116 metres, and reduces detection from enemy Engagement Radars by 200 meters.
200Increases lock-on time by 0.75 seconds, reduces the auto-detect range of the vehicle to 58 metres, and reduces detection from enemy Engagement Radars by 300 meters.
1000Increases lock-on time by 1 seconds, completely prevents the vehicle from being auto-detected, and reduces detection from enemy Engagement Radars by 400 meters.
Top Armor
100Fortifies armor against attacks from above, reducing damage by 10%.
200Reduces damage from above by 12.5%.
500Reduces damage from above by 14%.
1000Reduces damage from above by 15%.
Performance Slot Drift Airframe
500Increases yaw speed, and allows for improved momentum conservation while turning.
Precision Airframe
500Allows for fine-tuned pilot aim by reducing yaw drift and increasing roll rates.
Rotor Airframe
500Increases lift and descend strength, and allows the vehicle to hover while stationary.


  • The model for the Dervish was created by Faven in late 2020.[1][2]


Nose Cannon[]

DV-22 Raycaster
DV-22 Raycaster
Auto Granted
General Info
Fire Rate: 667 RPM
Muzzle Velocity: 750m/s
Effective Range: Medium
Fire Modes: Auto
Max Damage: 175 before 200m
Min Damage: 150 after 600m
Reload Speed
Reload Speed: 4.5s
Magazine Size: 80
Ammunition Pool: 800
Min Cone of Fire: 0.3
Max Cone of Fire: 0.3
Bloom per Shot: 0
DV-21 Lotus
DV-21 Lotus
Cert Cost: 875 Certification Points
DC Cost: 599 Daybreak Cash
General Info
Fire Rate: 952 RPM
Muzzle Velocity: 600m/s
Effective Range: Medium
Fire Modes: Auto
Max Damage: 165 before 80m
Min Damage: 125 after 300m
Reload Speed
Reload Speed: 2s
Magazine Size: 40
Ammunition Pool: 520
Min Cone of Fire: 0.35
Max Cone of Fire: 0.35
Bloom per Shot: 0.1
Cert Cost: 875 Certification Points
DC Cost: 599 Daybreak Cash
General Info
Fire Rate: 361 RPM
Muzzle Velocity: 800m/s
Effective Range: Very Long
Fire Modes: 6x Burst
Max Damage: 425 before 300m
Min Damage: 350 after 800m
Max Indirect Damage: 75 before 0.5m
Min Indirect Damage: 50 at 2m
Reload Speed
Reload Speed: 4s
Magazine Size: 24
Ammunition Pool: 288
Min Cone of Fire: 0
Max Cone of Fire: 0
Bloom per Shot: 0

Top Turret[]

DV-22T Lightweaver
DV-22T Lightweaver
Auto Granted
General Info
Fire Rate: 351 RPM
Muzzle Velocity: 800m/s
Effective Range: ??
Fire Modes: Auto
Max Damage: 200 before 200m
Min Damage: 150 after 350m
Reload Speed
Reload Speed: 3s
Magazine Size: 50
Ammunition Pool: 750
Min Cone of Fire: 0.3
Max Cone of Fire: 0.3
Bloom per Shot: 0.1
DV-LAT Pixie
DV-LAT Pixie
Cert Cost: 875 Certification Points
DC Cost: 599 Daybreak Cash
General Info
Fire Rate: 120 RPM
Muzzle Velocity: 125m/s
Effective Range: Up to 400m
Fire Modes: Lock-on
Max Damage: 125
Min Damage: 125
Max Indirect Damage: 100 before 0.5m
Min Indirect Damage: 50 at 3m
Reload Speed
Reload Speed: 5s
Magazine Size: 8
Ammunition Pool: 120
Min Cone of Fire: 3
Max Cone of Fire: 3
Bloom per Shot: 0
Cert Cost: 875 Certification Points
DC Cost: 599 Daybreak Cash
General Info
Fire Rate: 200 RPM
Muzzle Velocity: 300m/s
Effective Range: ??
Fire Modes: Charge-up
Max Damage: 550
Min Damage: 550
Max Indirect Damage: 250 before 1m
Min Indirect Damage: 100 at 3m
Reload Speed
Reload Speed: 4s
Magazine Size: 4
Ammunition Pool: 80
Min Cone of Fire: 0
Max Cone of Fire: 0
Bloom per Shot: 0

Ribbons and Medals[]

It will be possible to earn both Ribbons and Medals while using weapons mounted aboard the Dervish. Each ribbon will be a standard reward for achieving a set amount of kills with a given weapon. Medals will be awarded upon reaching kill milestones with the weapon.


Ribbon Icon Requirements
Service Ribbon
ESF Vehicle Ribbon
10 kills
Find out more on the Service Ribbons article.


Medal Icon Requirement Award
No Medal
Medal Empty
0 kills N/A
Copper Medal
Medal Copper
10 kills Certification Points
Silver Medal
Medal Silver
60 kills 10 Certification Points
Gold Medal
Medal Gold
160 kills 20 Certification Points
Auraxium Medal
Medal Auraxium
1,160 kills 200 Certification Points


The Dervish was first teased on the 3rd of June 2021, and announced on the 15th of June 2021. It will be added to the game in the NSOverhaul update, some time in 2021.

NSOverhaul Progress (News, 2021-06-03)[]

  • First teased officially.

Two new vehicles will also make their way into the NSO lineup, the Chimera Battle Tank, and the Dervish Heavy Fighter. You'll hear more about these in later articles.

The Dervish Heavy Fighter (News, 2021-06-15)[]

  • Officially announced.

One of two vehicles being released with the NSOverhaul update is the Dervish Heavy Fighter, an air vehicle available to the Nanite Systems Operatives faction.


Unlike its Empire Specific Fighter (ESF) counterparts, the Dervish is a two-seat vehicle that sacrifices agility for durability. The pilot operates nose-mounted forward guns, while a secondary top-gunner can deal with threats ahead, behind, and above. The Dervish is meant as an air superiority fighter, and has limited ground support capabilities.

2021-06-15 Dervish Weapon Promo


Both the nose-mounted and top-mounted hardpoints will have three weapon options available during the initial rollout.

The standard DV-22 Raycaster nosegun uses photonically propelled tungsten slugs that remain effective even over long range. The DV-22T Lightweaver top-turret maintains similar functionality, and in combination with the Raycaster, creates a well-rounded aircraft capable of taking on any threat.

Dipping into the expanded arsenal, the DV-21 Lotus is a close-range gatling nosegun that will shred light aircraft, and the DV-LAT Pixie turret can lock onto aircraft to fire a stream of small, yet deadly air to air missiles that excel at dispatching heavily armored aircraft.

On the more experimental side, researchers have developed charge-up particle projection weaponry in the form of the DV-XE and DV-XAT. The DV-XE fires a six-round particle projection barrage that can, with careful aim, dispatch enemies at any range with a burst of damage. The DV-XAT is a top-mounted particle projection cannon that can decimate targets with a singular, heavy blast.


The Dervish is thusly named due to its flat profile, and dual rotors that assist in maneuverability at low altitudes. Its pilot can circle-strafe to avoid incoming fire, while the secondary gunner lands shot after shot. An in-built afterburner is capable of re-engaging forward momentum after slowing through a turn, and can help escaping firefights where you've bitten off more than you can chew. The heavy nature of the chassis has a feel more similar to a Liberator or Valkyrie than an ESF, and with more speed and less VTOL strength than either.

Dervish Promo

Thanks, folks.

July 1, 2021 Update (_Integration)[]

  • Added to the game.

The Dervish is a two-seat vehicle that sacrifices agility for durability. The pilot operates nose-mounted forward guns, while the second seat is devoted to a top-gunner with a swiveling turret. This vehicle operates primarily as an air superiority fighter, and has limited ground support capabilities.

2021-07-01 Dervish Promo


  • DV-22 Raycaster - All-rounder machine gun that fires photonically propelled tungsten slugs.
  • DV-21 Lotus - A high rate of fire gatling gun that shreds light aircraft at close range.
  • DV-XE - A charge-based six-round particle projection barrage that can dispatch heavy aircraft.

Top Turrets[]

  • DV-22T Lightweaver - A machine-gun top turret that functions similarly to the Raycaster, and can deal with any threat.
  • DV-LAT Pixie - An anti-aircraft lock-on turret that launches a stream of homing missiles at tracked targets.
  • DV-XAT - A heavy charge-up cannon that fires a concentrated photon blast for high damage.

You can learn more about the Dervish Heavy Fighter in this article:

July 28, 2021 Hotfix[]

  • Decals now appear on the Dervish.
  • Dervish landing gear no longer has reversed face normals.
  • Fixed a skinning issue on the Dervish Typhoon Exterior cosmetics.
  • Added the Chimera, Dervish, and Javelin to VR Training as NPCs.

September 15, 2021 Update[]

  • Spotting a Dervish or Flash XS-1 now plays voice callouts.
  • Dervish and Javelin can now make use of the Cert Explosion Horn.

