PlanetSide 2 Wiki
Page Contents Current As of Patch: 2015-10-29

Directives is an achievement like system, that provides additional goals, and rewards for completing them.

System Components[]

Directive Score[]

Directive Score

The score at the top of your Directives page is your Directive Score. You earn Directive points for completing tiers of Directives. Directive Score is account-wide, meaning all characters on the account will have the same score, and as you earn Directive Points on one character it will be applied to all characters. In a future update we will be adding rewards for overall Directive Score, including account-wide bonuses, special camos, and other unique rewards. The Directive Score will also be visible in other locations, such as the Death Screen.

Directive Category[]

Directive Category

Directive Trees are grouped into categories for organizational purposes and UI display. These categories are currently “Infantry”, “Weapons”, and “Vehicles.” These categories are for cleanliness and presentation and do not affect how you earn a Directive in any way.

Directive Tree[]

Directive Tree

These are top-level groups of directives, usually with a similar theme, such as “Light Assault” or “Carbines” or “Liberator.” Directives in a tree usually have requirements in order for anything in that tree to count. For example, in order to get credit for Liberator directives, you must be in a Liberator. Same goes for Light Assault, MAX, etc.

Directive Tier[]

Directive Tier

Within each Directive Tree there are 4 tiers of completion. Completing tiers is how you earn rewards and directive points.

Tier Requirements and Rewards[]

Tier Requirements and Rewards

Each tier has a required number of directives within it that must be completed in order to complete the Tier. You typically do not have to complete every objective in the tier and can choose which ones you want from the set. As you progress through the tiers it requires more objectives to complete and the requirements for each objective increase. In the future we plan on adding to the rewards at each Tier and give you ways to show off your tier completion. For the launch of the Directive System only points are awarded at each tier, except for the final tier which has a unique reward.


Directive Objective - Driver Assists

These are the individual objectives within each Directive tree and tier.

Directive Types[]

We have several types of directives that follow a similar pattern.

Medal Directives[]

Directive Objective - NC1 Gauss Rifle

If the Directive shows a medal, it means you need to earn the listed medal in order to complete the Directive. Next to the medal is the name of the weapon associated with the medal. Medals already earned prior to the release of Directives will count towards completing the Directive. If the weapon is not currently unlocked, you can unlock it directly from the directives UI!

Ribbon Directives[]

Directive Objective - Healing Ribbons

If the Directive shows a Ribbon, then it means you need to earn the specified number of that type of Ribbon. Like Medals, this type of Directive is retroactive and will count Ribbons earned prior to the release of Directives.

Kill Directives[]

Directive Objective - Kills

Quite simply, kill the specified target. These type of directives are usually constrained to the tree requirements, meaning that if you see a “Kills” directive in the Light Assault tree, only kills as Light Assault will count towards that directive. Sometimes these directives call out a specific target, such as enemy Light Assault kills. This variation of kill directive requires you to both be a Light Assault and kill enemy Light Assaults.

Weapon Kills[]

Directive Objective - Tail Gun Kills

Many Directive trees have objectives of the type “Belly Gun Kills” or “SMG Kills”. This type of directive requires you to use a certain weapon set or type in order to get credit. For example, the Light Assault tree has a “Shotgun Kills” Directive. To earn credit for this you must be a Light Assault class and earn kills using a Shotgun of any type. Similarly for the Galaxy and Sunderer there are “Gun Kills” which count kills using any gun in any position towards completing the Directive. Several vehicle directives have “Road Kills” as an objective, this means you must run over or crush enemy infantry with your vehicle.

Driver Assists[]


Vehicle trees often have “Driver Assist” or “Pilot Assist” Directives. These are earned by being the driver/pilot of the vehicle while gunners in the vehicle earn kills. The pilot earns an Assist for the kill and that is what this type of directive is tracking.

Event Directives[]

Directive Objective - Multi-Kills

Some Directives are tracking specific types of events that you earn. One example is the Medic tree has “Savior kills”, which requires you to both be a Medic and earn a Savior bonus when killing an enemy player.

Air Deterrence[]

Directive Objective - Air Deterrence

Some trees such as the MAX, Lightning, and Heavy Assault have “Air Deterrence” directives. These are earned by doing damage to air vehicles. Each time you see Surface-to-Air XP bonuses you will earn credit towards that directive.

Vehicle Destruction[]

Directive Objective - Vehicle Destruction

Directives that track “Vehicle Destruction” require you to kill an enemy vehicle. The number of occupants in the vehicle does not matter.

List of Trees and Directive Descriptions[]


Directives in this category share a similar theme of mostly being Infantry-focused and are generally only earned by not being in a vehicle.


Directives Objectives - Infiltrator

Only credited if you are the Infiltrator class and not in a vehicle. This tree focuses on the different playstyles available to the Infiltrator as well as their support role and counter-sniping or hunting enemy infiltrators.

  • Kills – Any type of kill counts.
  • SMG Kills – Any type of kill using a SMG.
  • Sniper Rifle Kills – Any type of kill using a Sniper Rifle.
  • Scout Rifle Kills – Any time of kill using a Scout Rifle.
  • Recon Ribbons – Earned by getting Motion-sensor Assists using the Recon Tool.
  • Infiltrator Kills – Kill enemy Infiltrators.

Light Assault[]

Directives Objectives - Light Assault

Only credited if you are the Light Assault class and not in a vehicle. This tree demonstrates proficiency in the different styles of combat available to the Light Assault.

  • Kills – Any type of kill counts.
  • SMG Kills – Any type of kill using a SMG.
  • Carbine Kills – Any type of kill using a Carbine.
  • Shotgun Kills – Any type of kill using a Shotgun.
  • Vehicle Destruction – Destroying any vehicle as Light Assault, typically you’ll use Rocklets or C4 for this.
  • Light Assault Kills – Kill enemy Light Assaults.

Combat Medic[]

Directives Objectives - Combat Medic

Only credited if you are the Combat Medic class and not in a vehicle. This tree is about striking the balance between support and offensive capability as a Medic. Offensively this tree focuses on taking out enemy support, saving your teammates so you don’t need to revive them, and killing the enemy.

  • Kills – Any type of kill counts.
  • Heal Ribbons – Earned by healing with the medical tool, healing grenade, or heal ability.
  • Revive Ribbons – Earned by reviving teammates with the medical tool or revive grenades.
  • Shield Ribbons – Earned by restoring teammates shields with the shield regeneration device.
  • Savior Bonus – Earned by saving a teammate from death by killing an enemy who is about to kill them.
  • Medic Kills – Kill enemy Medics.


Directives Objective - Engineer 2023

Only credited if you are the Engineer class and not in a vehicle (being in an Engineer turret is OK!). This tree focuses on the support role of the Engineer and the unique tools available to them.

  • Kills – Any type of kill counts.
  • Sticky Grenade – Kills with the sticky grenade (unlockable with certs)
  • MANA Anti-Personnel Turret – Kills with the default machinegun turret.
  • MANA Anti-Vehicle Turret – Kills with the Anti-Vehicle turret.
  • Spitfire Auto-Turret - Kills with Spitfire Auto-Turret.
  • Anti-Materiel Rifle - Kills with Anti-Materiel Rifles.
  • Repair Ribbons – Earned by repairing friendly vehicles and MAX infantry.
  • Resupply Ribbons – Earned by giving ammunition to teammates.
  • Draw Fire Ribbons - Earned by teammates killing enemies who have recently done damage to deployed hardlight barriers.

Heavy Assault[]

Directives Objective - Heavy 2023

Only credited if you are the Heavy Assault class. This tree focuses on the role of the Heavy Assault and its unique weaponry.

  • Kills – Any type of kill counts.
  • ES Heavy Weapon – Medals with Empire-specific Heavy Weapon (Lasher X2, NC05 Jackhammer, T7 Mini-Chaingun).
  • Anti-Vehicle Grenade – Medals with the Anti-Vehicle Grenade (unlockable with certs).
  • Launcher Kills – Any type of kill using a Rocket Launcher.
  • MAX Kills – Enemy MAX kills.
  • Air Deterrence – Surface-to-Air damage against aircraft. Can be done as a Heavy Assault in vehicles.
  • Heavy Weapon Assists - Kill Assists earned with any Heavy Weapon.


Directives Objective - MAX 2023

Only credited if you are in a MAX suit and not in a vehicle. This tree focuses on the different roles and team value a MAX can provide.

  • Kills – Any type of kill counts.
  • MAX Punch – Medals earned by punching the enemy in the face with an iron fist. Ouch!
  • MAX Kills – Killing enemy MAX units.
  • Vehicle Destruction – Destroying enemy vehicles (Number of occupants does not matter).
  • Air-Deterrence – Surface-to-Air damage against aircraft.
  • Vehicle Damage – Deal significant damage to enemy vehicles as a MAX.


Directives Objectives - Explosives

There is no requirement on the tree for this due to the nature of the weapons. Weapons in this tree are here because many of them can be placed by multiple classes or persist after the player changes classes or gets into vehicles, such as mines.

  • Frag Grenade – Kills with the default frag grenade for every non-MAX class
  • C4 – Medals with C4.
  • Tank Mines – Kills with Tank mines. This is here and not with Engineer due to the mine persisting beyond the class.
  • AP Mines – Kills with Claymore/Bouncing Betties/Proximity Mines.
  • Vehicle Destruction – Any vehicle destruction as normal infantry. Vehicles, MAX, and Turrets do not count.
  • Multi-Kills – Any kill as Infantry that results in a “group kill” bonus awards credit towards this. Multi-kills accrued while a MAX or in a Vehicle or Turret do not count.

Force Recon[]

Directives Objectives - Force Recon

Only credited if you are not in a vehicle (Engineer turret is OK). This tree is about more skilled infantry play, flanking, and team-assisting gameplay.

  • Knife – Medals earned with the faction-specific knife.
  • Headshot Kills – Kills earned with Headshots.
  • Marksman Ribbon – Earned with kills at a range >= 70m.
  • Kill Streak Ribbon – Earned by getting kill streak bonuses AS INFANTRY. (This is a new ribbon!)
  • Spotter Ribbon – Earned by getting spot assists.
  • Deployable Destruction – Earned by destroying enemy explosives, spawn beacons, engineer turrets, motion spotters, and shield regen devices.


Directives Objectives - Objectives

No infantry/vehicle requirements on this one. This tree is about Playing The Objective!

  • Point Control Ribbon – Earned by capturing control consoles and kills near a control console.
  • Objective Support Ribbon – Earned by overloading, destroying, and stabilizing Generators and by hacking enemy terminals.
  • Facility Captures – Earned by capturing an enemy facility with at least 5 enemies present in the area at the time of capture.
  • Facility Defenses – Earned by defending friendly facilities (there is no enemy presence required since you may have booted them all).
  • Deployed AMS Kills – Earned by destroying enemy deployed Sunderers and removing their spawn points.
  • <future directive> - We are contemplating a 6th directive for this tree.


Directives in this category are all earned by being in a vehicle and have a mix of medals, ribbons, and specific objectives. Note: you may need to hop into the vehicle once for your existing medals and ribbons to be credited.


Directives Objectives - Flash

Only credited while in a Flash. This tree requires fewer objectives at each tier than most.

  • Roadkills – Earned by getting a roadkill or ram bonus while driving the Flash.
  • Weapons – All weapons available to the flash are listed in this directive.


Directives Objectives - Harasser

Only credited while in a Harasser. We did not want to bloat this tree with every weapon so only a select few were chosen, but all count for Gun Kills.

  • Roadkills – Earned by getting a roadkill or ram bonus while driving a Harasser.
  • Driver Assists – Earned by being the driver when a passenger gets a kill in any way.
  • Gun Kills – Earned by getting a kill in any one of the Harasser’s top guns.
  • Weapons – The two Empire-Specific weapons were chosen, along with the most popular non-ES weapon, the Halberd.


Directives Objectives - Lightning

Only credited while in a Lightning. This tree focuses on the different roles the lightning as well as all of its armament options.

  • Roadkills – Earned by getting a roadkill or ram bonus while driving a Lightning.
  • Tank Kills – Earned by destroying an enemy Lightning or MBT.
  • Air Deterrence – Earned by scoring Surface-to-Air damage bonuses.
  • Weapons – All Lightning weapons are available for directive progression.

MBT (Prowler, Vanguard, Magrider)[]

Directives Objectives - MBT

Only credited while in one of the MBTs. All three MBT trees are identical.

  • Tank Kills – Earned by destroying enemy Lightnings and MBTs.
  • Driver Assists – Earned by being the driver when the top gunner gets a kill with any weapon.
  • Top Gun Kills – Earned by being the top gunner and getting a kill with any of the top gun weapons.
  • Weapons – All Driver-Weapons are available, and the two Empire-Specific top guns are available for directive progression.


Directives Objectives - Sunderer

Only credited while in a Sunderer. Oriented around almost pure support, the Sunderer is a bit different from most vehicles in that it has no specific weapons available for directive progression.

  • Gun Kills – Earned by getting a kill in using any Sunderer gun.
  • Driver Assists – Earned by being the driver when either of the gunners scores a kill.
  • Roadkills – Earned by getting a roadkill or ram bonus while driving the party bus.
  • Squad Spawn – Earned when a squadmate spawns directly on your squad’s Sunderer (requires you to be in it).
  • Deploy Assist – Earned when a player exits your sunderer and gets a kill soon after.
  • Logistics Ribbon – Earned when your Sunderer gives a good deal of ammo or repairs to other vehicles.
  • AMS Support Ribbon – Earned by deploying your AMS as an empire-wide spawn point. After many players spawn you will earn the ribbon.

ESF (Mosquito, Reaver, Scythe)[]

Directives Objectives - ESF

Only credited while in an ESF. The ESF trees are more solo-player oriented with all weapons available for directive progression. Additionally, Air Superiority ribbons are also available.

  • Air Superiority Ribbon – Awarded for every three enemy ESFs you shoot down while piloting an ESF.
  • Weapons – All ESF weapons are available for directive progression. Choose whichever you like best!


Directives Objectives - Liberator

Only credited while in a Liberator. This tree is similar to the MBT trees in that the driver’s weapons are available for progression, but the rest of the tree is about the Liberator’s role as anti-Tank and anti-Air.

  • Pilot Assists – Earned by being the pilot when the tailgunner or belly gunner gets a kill.
  • Tank Kills – Earned by getting a tank kill with any weapon on the Liberator.
  • Air Kills – Earned by getting aircraft kills with any weapon on the Liberator.
  • Belly Gun Kills – Earned by getting kills with any of the Belly guns.
  • Tail Gun Kills – Earned by getting kills with any Tail Gun.
  • Weapons – All Pilot noseguns are available for progression.


Directives Objectives - Galaxy

Only credited while in a Galaxy. Part support, part combat vehicle, the Galaxy’s directives focus on its role as a combat dropship.

  • Pilot Assists – Earned by being the pilot when any of the gunners gets a kill.
  • Gun Kills – Earned by getting a kill with any weapon in any position on the Galaxy.
  • Ram Kills – Size Always Matters! Earned by being the Pilot and getting Ram or Roadkill bonuses.
  • Air Kills – Earned by destroying enemy aircraft while in a Galaxy. Whether you kill them with a belly-slap or a bulldog, any way you kill them will count.
  • Deploy Assist – Earned by players exiting your galaxy and getting a kill soon after.
  • Squad Spawn – Earned when a squadmate spawns directly into your Galaxy.. 


All directives in this category are based on medals earned. These directives formalize what many players were doing already by collecting Auraxium medals. They are all retroactive like all medals. These are self-explanatory so they won’t be outlined in detail.

Assault Rifles[]

Assault Rifles
Rank Requirements Rewards
AR Directives Novice
Complete 2 objectives Directive Score
T1 Cycler Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Cycler TRV Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
SABR-13 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
TAR Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
T1B Cycler Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
T1S Cycler Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
TORQ-9 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NS-11A Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
AR Directives Adept
Complete 3 objectives 10 Directive Score
T1 Cycler Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Cycler TRV Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
SABR-13 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
TAR Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
T1B Cycler Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
T1S Cycler Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
TORQ-9 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NS-11A Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
AR Directives Expert
Complete 4 objectives 25 Directive Score
Expert Assault Rifle Banner
T1 Cycler Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Cycler TRV Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
SABR-13 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
TAR Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
T1B Cycler Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
T1S Cycler Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
TORQ-9 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NS-11A Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
AR Directives Master
Complete 5 objectives 100 Directive Score
Master Assault Rifle Banner,
T1A Unity
T1 Cycler Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
Cycler TRV Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
SABR-13 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
TAR Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
T1B Cycler Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
T1S Cycler Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
TORQ-9 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NS-11A Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills


Rank Requirements Rewards
Carbines Directives Novice
Complete 2 objectives Directive Score
LC2 Lynx Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
LC3 Jaguar Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
T5 AMC Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
HC1 Cougar Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
TRAC-5 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
TRAC-5 Burst Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
TRAC-5 S Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NS-11C Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Carbines Directives Adept
Complete 3 objectives 10 Directive Score
LC2 Lynx Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
LC3 Jaguar Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
T5 AMC Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
HC1 Cougar Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
TRAC-5 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
TRAC-5 Burst Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
TRAC-5 S Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NS-11C Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Carbines Directives Expert
Complete 4 objectives 25 Directive Score
Expert Carbine Banner
LC2 Lynx Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
LC3 Jaguar Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
T5 AMC Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
HC1 Cougar Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
TRAC-5 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
TRAC-5 Burst Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
TRAC-5 S Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NS-11C Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Carbines Directives Master
Complete 5 objectives 100 Directive Score
Master Carbine Banner,
LC2 Lynx Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
LC3 Jaguar Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
T5 AMC Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
HC1 Cougar Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
TRAC-5 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
TRAC-5 Burst Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
TRAC-5 S Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NS-11C Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills

Rocket Launchers[]

Rocket Launchers
Rank Requirements Rewards
Launchers Directives Novice
Complete 2 objectives Directive Score
ML-7 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
ASP-30 Grounder Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
M9 SKEP Launcher Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
T2 Striker Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NS Decimator Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NS Annihilator Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Launchers Directives Adept
Complete 3 objectives 10 Directive Score
ML-7 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
ASP-30 Grounder Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
M9 SKEP Launcher Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
T2 Striker Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NS Decimator Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NS Annihilator Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Launchers Directives Expert
Complete 4 objectives 25 Directive Score
Expert Launcher Banner
ML-7 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
ASP-30 Grounder Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
M9 SKEP Launcher Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
T2 Striker Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NS Decimator Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NS Annihilator Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Launchers Directives Master
Complete 5 objectives 100 Directive Score
Master Launcher Banner,
The Kraken
ML-7 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
ASP-30 Grounder Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
M9 SKEP Launcher Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
T2 Striker Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NS Decimator Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NS Annihilator Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills

Light Machine Guns[]

Light Machine Guns
Rank Requirements Rewards
LMG Directives Novice
Complete 2 objectives Directive Score
T9 CARV Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
MSW-R Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
TMG-50 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
T16 Rhino Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
T32 Bull Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
T9 CARV-S Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NS-15M Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
LMG Directives Adept
Complete 3 objectives 10 Directive Score
T9 CARV Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
MSW-R Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
TMG-50 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
T16 Rhino Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
T32 Bull Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
T9 CARV-S Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NS-15M Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
LMG Directives Expert
Complete 4 objectives 25 Directive Score
Expert LMG Banner
T9 CARV Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
MSW-R Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
TMG-50 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
T16 Rhino Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
T32 Bull Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
T9 CARV-S Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NS-15M Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
LMG Directives Master
Complete 5 objectives 100 Directive Score
Master LMG Banner,
T9A "Butcher"
T9 CARV Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
MSW-R Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
TMG-50 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
T16 Rhino Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
T32 Bull Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
T9 CARV-S Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NS-15M Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills

Scout Rifles[]

Scout Rifles
Rank Requirements Rewards
Scout Rifles Directives Novice
Complete 1 objectives Directive Score
HSR-1 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
SOAS-20 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
AMR-66 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NS-30 Vandal Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Scout Rifles Directives Adept
Complete 2 objectives 10 Directive Score
HSR-1 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
SOAS-20 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
AMR-66 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NS-30 Vandal Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Scout Rifles Directives Expert
Complete 3 objectives 25 Directive Score
Expert Scout Rifles Banner
HSR-1 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
SOAS-20 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
AMR-66 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NS-30 Vandal Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Scout Rifles Directives Master
Complete 4 objectives 100 Directive Score
Master Scout Rifles Banner,
HSR-1 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
SOAS-20 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
AMR-66 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NS-30 Vandal Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills


Rank Requirements Rewards
Shotguns Directives Novice
Complete 2 objectives Directive Score
AS16 NightHawk Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
FA1 Barrage Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
TS4 Haymaker Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
TAS-16 Blackjack Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
TRS-12 Uppercut Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Shotguns Directives Adept
Complete 3 objectives 10 Directive Score
AS16 NightHawk Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
FA1 Barrage Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
TS4 Haymaker Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
TAS-16 Blackjack Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
TRS-12 Uppercut Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Shotguns Directives Expert
Complete 4 objectives 25 Directive Score
Expert Shotgun Banner
AS16 NightHawk Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
FA1 Barrage Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
TS4 Haymaker Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
TAS-16 Blackjack Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
TRS-12 Uppercut Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Shotguns Directives Master
Complete 5 objectives 100 Directive Score
Master Shotgun Banner,
AS16 NightHawk Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
FA1 Barrage Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
TS4 Haymaker Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
TAS-16 Blackjack Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
TRS-12 Uppercut Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills


Rank Requirements Rewards
Sidearms Directives Novice
Complete 2 objectives Directive Score
TX1 Repeater Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
TX2 Emperor Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
TS2 Inquisitor Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
T4 AMP Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NS-357 Underboss Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NS-44 Commissioner Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Hunter QCX Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Sidearms Directives Adept
Complete 3 objectives 10 Directive Score
TX1 Repeater Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
TX2 Emperor Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
TS2 Inquisitor Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
T4 AMP Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NS-357 Underboss Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NS-44 Commissioner Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Hunter QCX Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Sidearms Directives Expert
Complete 4 objectives 25 Directive Score
Expert Sidearms Banner
TX1 Repeater Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
TX2 Emperor Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
TS2 Inquisitor Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
T4 AMP Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NS-357 Underboss Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NS-44 Commissioner Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Hunter QCX Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Sidearms Directives Master
Complete 5 objectives 100 Directive Score
Master Sidearms Banner,
The President
TX1 Repeater Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
TX2 Emperor Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
TS2 Inquisitor Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
T4 AMP Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NS-357 Underboss Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NS-44 Commissioner Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
Hunter QCX Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills

Sniper Rifles[]

Sniper Rifles
Rank Requirements Rewards
Scout Rifles Directives Novice
Complete 2 objectives Directive Score
99SV Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
KSR-35 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
M77-B Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
RAMS .50M Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
SR-7 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
TSAR-42 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
TRAP-M1 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Scout Rifles Directives Adept
Complete 3 objectives 10 Directive Score
99SV Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
KSR-35 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
M77-B Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
RAMS .50M Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
SR-7 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
TSAR-42 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
TRAP-M1 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Scout Rifles Directives Expert
Complete 4 objectives 25 Directive Score
Expert Sniper Rifles Banner
99SV Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
KSR-35 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
M77-B Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
RAMS .50M Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
SR-7 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
TSAR-42 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
TRAP-M1 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Scout Rifles Directives Master
Complete 5 objectives 100 Directive Score
Master Sniper Rifles Banner,
Bighorn .50M
99SV Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
KSR-35 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
M77-B Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
RAMS .50M Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
SR-7 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
TSAR-42 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
TRAP-M1 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills

Submachine Guns[]

Submachine Guns
Rank Requirements Rewards
Submachine Guns Directives Novice
Complete 1 objectives Directive Score
SMG-46 Armistice Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
PDW-16 Hailstorm Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NS-7 PDW Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
MKV Suppressed Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Submachine Guns Directives Adept
Complete 2 objectives 10 Directive Score
SMG-46 Armistice Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
PDW-16 Hailstorm Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NS-7 PDW Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
MKV Suppressed Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Submachine Guns Directives Expert
Complete 3 objectives 25 Directive Score
Expert Submachine Guns Banner
SMG-46 Armistice Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
PDW-16 Hailstorm Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NS-7 PDW Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
MKV Suppressed Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Submachine Guns Directives Master
Complete 4 objectives 100 Directive Score
Master Submachine Guns Banner,
SMG-46 Armistice Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
PDW-16 Hailstorm Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NS-7 PDW Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
MKV Suppressed Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills

Assault Rifles[]

Assault Rifles
Rank Requirements Rewards
AR Directives Novice
Complete 2 objectives Directive Score
NC1 Gauss Rifle Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Carnage AR Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
GR-22 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Gauss Rifle Burst Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Gauss Rifle S Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NC-9 A-Tross Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Reaper DMR Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NS-11A Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
AR Directives Adept
Complete 3 objectives 10 Directive Score
NC1 Gauss Rifle Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Carnage AR Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
GR-22 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Gauss Rifle Burst Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Gauss Rifle S Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NC-9 A-Tross Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Reaper DMR Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NS-11A Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
AR Directives Expert
Complete 4 objectives 25 Directive Score
Expert Assault Rifle Banner
NC1 Gauss Rifle Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Carnage AR Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
GR-22 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Gauss Rifle Burst Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Gauss Rifle S Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NC-9 A-Tross Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Reaper DMR Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NS-11A Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
AR Directives Master
Complete 5 objectives 100 Directive Score
Master Assault Rifle Banner
Gauss Prime
NC1 Gauss Rifle Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
Carnage AR Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
GR-22 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
Gauss Rifle Burst Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
Gauss Rifle S Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NC-9 A-Tross Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
Reaper DMR Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NS-11A Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills


Rank Requirements Rewards
Carbines Directives Novice
Complete 2 objectives Directive Score
AF-19 Mercenary Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
GD-7F Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
AF-4A Bandit Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
AC-X11 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Gauss Compact Burst Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Gauss Compact S Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Razor GD-23 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NS-11C Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Carbines Directives Adept
Complete 3 objectives 10 Directive Score
AF-19 Mercenary Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
GD-7F Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
AF-4A Bandit Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
AC-X11 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Gauss Compact Burst Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Gauss Compact S Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Razor GD-23 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NS-11C Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Carbines Directives Expert
Complete 4 objectives 25 Directive Score
Expert Carbine Banner
AF-19 Mercenary Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
GD-7F Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
AF-4A Bandit Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
AC-X11 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Gauss Compact Burst Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Gauss Compact S Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Razor GD-23 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NS-11C Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Carbines Directives Master
Complete 5 objectives 100 Directive Score
Master Carbine Banner,
19A Fortuna
AF-19 Mercenary Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
GD-7F Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
AF-4A Bandit Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
AC-X11 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
Gauss Compact Burst Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
Gauss Compact S Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
Razor GD-23 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NS-11C Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills

Rocket Launchers[]

Rocket Launchers
Rank Requirements Rewards
Launchers Directives Novice
Complete 2 objectives Directive Score
Shrike Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
AF-22 Crow Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Hawk GD-68 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NC15 Phoenix Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NS Decimator Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NS Annihilator Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Launchers Directives Adept
Complete 3 objectives 10 Directive Score
Shrike Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
AF-22 Crow Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Hawk GD-68 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NC15 Phoenix Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NS Decimator Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NS Annihilator Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Launchers Directives Expert
Complete 4 objectives 25 Directive Score
Expert Launcher Banner
Shrike Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
AF-22 Crow Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Hawk GD-68 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NC15 Phoenix Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NS Decimator Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NS Annihilator Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Launchers Directives Master
Complete 5 objectives 100 Directive Score
Master Launcher Banner,
The Kraken
Shrike Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
AF-22 Crow Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
Hawk GD-68 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NC15 Phoenix Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NS Decimator Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NS Annihilator Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills

Light Machine Guns[]

Light Machine Guns
Rank Requirements Rewards
LMG Directives Novice
Complete 2 objectives Directive Score
NC6 Gauss SAW Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
GD-22S Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
EM6 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
LA1 Anchor Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
EM1 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NC6S Gauss SAW S Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NS-15M Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
LMG Directives Adept
Complete 3 objectives 10 Directive Score
NC6 Gauss SAW Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
GD-22S Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
EM6 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
LA1 Anchor Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
EM1 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NC6S Gauss SAW S Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NS-15M Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
LMG Directives Expert
Complete 4 objectives 25 Directive Score
Expert Light Machine Guns Banner
NC6 Gauss SAW Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
GD-22S Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
EM6 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
LA1 Anchor Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
EM1 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NC6S Gauss SAW S Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NS-15M Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
LMG Directives Master
Complete 5 objectives 100 Directive Score
Master Light Machine Guns Banner
NC6 Gauss SAW Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
GD-22S Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
EM6 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
LA1 Anchor Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
EM1 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NC6S Gauss SAW S Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NS-15M Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills

Scout Rifles[]

Scout Rifles
Rank Requirements Rewards
Scout Rifles Directives Novice
Complete 1 objectives Directive Score
AF-6 Shadow Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
AF-18 Stalker Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Warden Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NS-30 Vandal Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Scout Rifles Directives Adept
Complete 2 objectives 10 Directive Score
AF-6 Shadow Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
AF-18 Stalker Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Warden Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NS-30 Vandal Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Scout Rifles Directives Expert
Complete 3 objectives 25 Directive Score
Expert Scout Rifles Banner
AF-6 Shadow Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
AF-18 Stalker Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Warden Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NS-30 Vandal Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Scout Rifles Directives Master
Complete 4 objectives 100 Directive Score
Master Scout Rifles Banner,
GD Guardian
AF-6 Shadow Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
AF-18 Stalker Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
Warden Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NS-30 Vandal Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills


Rank Requirements Rewards
Shotguns Directives Novice
Complete 2 objectives Directive Score
Mauler S6 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
AF-57 Piston Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NC12 Sweeper Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
GD-66 Claw Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
LA39 Bruiser Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NS Baron G5 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Shotguns Directives Adept
Complete 3 objectives 10 Directive Score
Mauler S6 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
AF-57 Piston Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NC12 Sweeper Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
GD-66 Claw Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
LA39 Bruiser Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NS Baron G5 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Shotguns Directives Expert
Complete 4 objectives 25 Directive Score
Expert Shotgun Banner
Mauler S6 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
AF-57 Piston Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NC12 Sweeper Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
GD-66 Claw Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
LA39 Bruiser Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NS Baron G5 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Shotguns Directives Master
Complete 5 objectives 100 Directive Score
Master Shotgun Banner,
The Brawler
Mauler S6 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
AF-57 Piston Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NC12 Sweeper Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
GD-66 Claw Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
LA39 Bruiser Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NS Baron G5 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills


Rank Requirements Rewards
Sidearms Directives Novice
Complete 2 objectives Directive Score
NC4 Mag-Shot Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
LA8 Rebel Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
LA3 Desperado Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NC08 Mag-Scatter Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NS-357 Underboss Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NS-44 Commissioner Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Hunter QCX Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Sidearms Directives Adept
Complete 3 objectives 10 Directive Score
NC4 Mag-Shot Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
LA8 Rebel Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
LA3 Desperado Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NC08 Mag-Scatter Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NS-357 Underboss Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NS-44 Commissioner Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Hunter QCX Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Sidearms Directives Expert
Complete 4 objectives 25 Directive Score
Expert Sidearms Banner
NC4 Mag-Shot Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
LA8 Rebel Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
LA3 Desperado Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NC08 Mag-Scatter Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NS-357 Underboss Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NS-44 Commissioner Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Hunter QCX Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Sidearms Directives Master
Complete 5 objectives 100 Directive Score
Master Sidearms Banner,
The Executive
NC4 Mag-Shot Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
LA8 Rebel Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
LA3 Desperado Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NC08 Mag-Scatter Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NS-357 Underboss Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NS-44 Commissioner Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
Hunter QCX Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills

Sniper Rifles[]

Sniper Rifles
Rank Requirements Rewards
Scout Rifles Directives Novice
Complete 2 objectives Directive Score
NC14 Bolt Driver Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Gauss SPR Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Impetus Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
LA80 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
SAS-R Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
EM4 Longshot Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
AF-8 RailJack Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Scout Rifles Directives Adept
Complete 3 objectives 10 Directive Score
NC14 Bolt Driver Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Gauss SPR Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Impetus Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
LA80 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
SAS-R Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
EM4 Longshot Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
AF-8 RailJack Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Scout Rifles Directives Expert
Complete 4 objectives 25 Directive Score
Expert Sniper Rifles Banner
NC14 Bolt Driver Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Gauss SPR Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Impetus Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
LA80 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
SAS-R Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
EM4 Longshot Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
AF-8 RailJack Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Scout Rifles Directives Master
Complete 5 objectives 100 Directive Score
Master Sniper Rifles Banner,
The Moonshot
NC14 Bolt Driver Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
Gauss SPR Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
Impetus Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
LA80 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
SAS-R Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
EM4 Longshot Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
AF-8 RailJack Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills

Submachine Guns[]

Submachine Guns
Rank Requirements Rewards
Submachine Guns Directives Novice
Complete 1 objectives Directive Score
AF-4 Cyclone Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Blitz GD-10 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NS-7 PDW Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
MKV Suppressed Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Submachine Guns Directives Adept
Complete 2 objectives 10 Directive Score
AF-4 Cyclone Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Blitz GD-10 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NS-7 PDW Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
MKV Suppressed Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Submachine Guns Directives Expert
Complete 3 objectives 25 Directive Score
Expert Submachine Guns Banner
AF-4 Cyclone Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Blitz GD-10 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NS-7 PDW Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
MKV Suppressed Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Submachine Guns Directives Master
Complete 4 objectives 100 Directive Score
Master Submachine Guns Banner,
AF-4 Cyclone Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
Blitz GD-10 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NS-7 PDW Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
MKV Suppressed Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills

Assault Rifles[]

Assault Rifles
Rank Requirements Rewards
AR Directives Novice
Complete 2 objectives Directive Score
Pulsar VS1 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
CME Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Corvus VA55 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Equinox VE2 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Equinox VE2 Burst Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
H-V45 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Terminus VX-9 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NS-11A Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
AR Directives Adept
Complete 3 objectives 10 Directive Score
Pulsar VS1 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
CME Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Corvus VA55 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Equinox VE2 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Equinox VE2 Burst Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
H-V45 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Terminus VX-9 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NS-11A Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
AR Directives Expert
Complete 4 objectives 25 Directive Score
Expert Assault Rifle Banner
Pulsar VS1 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
CME Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Corvus VA55 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Equinox VE2 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Equinox VE2 Burst Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
H-V45 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Terminus VX-9 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NS-11A Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
AR Directives Master
Complete 5 objectives 100 Directive Score
Master Assault Rifle Banner
Pulsar VS1 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
CME Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
Corvus VA55 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
Equinox VE2 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
Equinox VE2 Burst Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
H-V45 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
Terminus VX-9 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NS-11A Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills


Rank Requirements Rewards
Carbines Directives Novice
Complete 2 objectives Directive Score
Solstice VE3 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Solstice Burst Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Solstice SF Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Serpent VE92 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Pulsar C Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
VX6-7 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Zenith VX-5 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NS-11C Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Carbines Directives Adept
Complete 3 objectives 10 Directive Score
Solstice VE3 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Solstice Burst Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Solstice SF Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Serpent VE92 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Pulsar C Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
VX6-7 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Zenith VX-5 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NS-11C Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Carbines Directives Expert
Complete 4 objectives 25 Directive Score
Expert Carbine Banner
Solstice VE3 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Solstice Burst Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Solstice SF Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Serpent VE92 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Pulsar C Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
VX6-7 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Zenith VX-5 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NS-11C Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Carbines Directives Master
Complete 5 objectives 100 Directive Score
Master Carbine Banner,
Eclipse VE3A
Solstice VE3 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
Solstice Burst Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
Solstice SF Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
Serpent VE92 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
Pulsar C Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
VX6-7 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
Zenith VX-5 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NS-11C Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills

Rocket Launchers[]

Rocket Launchers
Rank Requirements Rewards
Launchers Directives Novice
Complete 2 objectives Directive Score
S1 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Hades VSH4 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Nemesis VSH9 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Lancer VS22 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NS Decimator Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NS Annihilator Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Launchers Directives Adept
Complete 3 objectives 10 Directive Score
S1 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Hades VSH4 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Nemesis VSH9 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Lancer VS22 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NS Decimator Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NS Annihilator Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Launchers Directives Expert
Complete 4 objectives 25 Directive Score
Expert Launcher Banner
S1 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Hades VSH4 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Nemesis VSH9 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Lancer VS22 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NS Decimator Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NS Annihilator Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Launchers Directives Master
Complete 5 objectives 100 Directive Score
Master Launcher Banner,
The Kraken
S1 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
Hades VSH4 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
Nemesis VSH9 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
Lancer VS22 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NS Decimator Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NS Annihilator Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills

Light Machine Guns[]

Light Machine Guns
Rank Requirements Rewards
LMG Directives Novice
Complete 2 objectives Directive Score
Orion VS54 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Flare VE6 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Pulsar LSW Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
SVA-88 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Ursa Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
VX29 Polaris Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NS-15M Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
LMG Directives Adept
Complete 3 objectives 10 Directive Score
Orion VS54 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Flare VE6 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Pulsar LSW Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
SVA-88 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Ursa Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
VX29 Polaris Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NS-15M Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
LMG Directives Expert
Complete 4 objectives 25 Directive Score
Expert Light Machine Guns Banner
Orion VS54 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Flare VE6 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Pulsar LSW Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
SVA-88 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Ursa Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
VX29 Polaris Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NS-15M Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
LMG Directives Master
Complete 5 objectives 100 Directive Score
Master Light Machine Guns Banner
Betelgeuse 54-A
Orion VS54 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
Flare VE6 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
Pulsar LSW Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
SVA-88 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
Ursa Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
VX29 Polaris Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NS-15M Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills

Scout Rifles[]

Scout Rifles
Rank Requirements Rewards
Scout Rifles Directives Novice
Complete 1 objectives Directive Score
Artemis VX26 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Nyx VX31 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Eidolon VE33 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NS-30 Vandal Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Scout Rifles Directives Adept
Complete 2 objectives 10 Directive Score
Artemis VX26 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Nyx VX31 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Eidolon VE33 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NS-30 Vandal Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Scout Rifles Directives Expert
Complete 3 objectives 25 Directive Score
Expert Scout Rifles Banner
Artemis VX26 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Nyx VX31 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Eidolon VE33 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NS-30 Vandal Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Scout Rifles Directives Master
Complete 4 objectives 100 Directive Score
Master Scout Rifles Banner,
Artemis VX26 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
Nyx VX31 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
Eidolon VE33 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NS-30 Vandal Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills


Rank Requirements Rewards
Shotguns Directives Novice
Complete 2 objectives Directive Score
Thanatos VE70 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Nova Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Pandora VX25 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Deimos VA29 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Phobos VX86 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Shotguns Directives Adept
Complete 3 objectives 10 Directive Score
Thanatos VE70 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Nova Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Pandora VX25 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Deimos VA29 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Phobos VX86 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Shotguns Directives Expert
Complete 4 objectives 25 Directive Score
Expert Shotgun Banner
Thanatos VE70 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Nova Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Pandora VX25 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Deimos VA29 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Phobos VX86 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Shotguns Directives Master
Complete 5 objectives 100 Directive Score
Master Shotgun Banner,
Thanatos VE70 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
Nova Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
Pandora VX25 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
Deimos VA29 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
Phobos VX86 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills


Rank Requirements Rewards
Sidearms Directives Novice
Complete 2 objectives Directive Score
Beamer VS3 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Manticore SX40 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Cerberus Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Spiker Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NS-357 Underboss Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NS-44 Commissioner Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Hunter QCX Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Sidearms Directives Adept
Complete 3 objectives 10 Directive Score
Beamer VS3 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Manticore SX40 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Cerberus Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Spiker Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NS-357 Underboss Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NS-44 Commissioner Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Hunter QCX Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Sidearms Directives Expert
Complete 4 objectives 25 Directive Score
Expert Sidearms Banner
Beamer VS3 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Manticore SX40 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Cerberus Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Spiker Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NS-357 Underboss Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NS-44 Commissioner Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Hunter QCX Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Sidearms Directives Master
Complete 5 objectives 100 Directive Score
Master Sidearms Banner,
The Immortal
Beamer VS3 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
Manticore SX40 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
Cerberus Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
Spiker Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NS-357 Underboss Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NS-44 Commissioner Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
Hunter QCX Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills

Sniper Rifles[]

Sniper Rifles
Rank Requirements Rewards
Scout Rifles Directives Novice
Complete 2 objectives Directive Score
VA39 Spectre Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Ghost Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Parallax VX3 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Phantom VA23 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
V10 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
XM98 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Phaseshift VX-S Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Scout Rifles Directives Adept
Complete 3 objectives 10 Directive Score
VA39 Spectre Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Ghost Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Parallax VX3 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Phantom VA23 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
V10 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
XM98 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Phaseshift VX-S Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Scout Rifles Directives Expert
Complete 4 objectives 25 Directive Score
Expert Sniper Rifles Banner
VA39 Spectre Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Ghost Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Parallax VX3 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Phantom VA23 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
V10 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
XM98 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Phaseshift VX-S Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Scout Rifles Directives Master
Complete 5 objectives 100 Directive Score
Master Sniper Rifles Banner,
Parsec VX3-A
VA39 Spectre Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
Ghost Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
Parallax VX3 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
Phantom VA23 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
V10 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
XM98 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
Phaseshift VX-S Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills

Submachine Guns[]

Submachine Guns
Rank Requirements Rewards
Submachine Guns Directives Novice
Complete 1 objectives Directive Score
Sirius SX12 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Eridani SX5 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NS-7 PDW Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
MKV Suppressed Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Submachine Guns Directives Adept
Complete 2 objectives 10 Directive Score
Sirius SX12 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Eridani SX5 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NS-7 PDW Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
MKV Suppressed Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Submachine Guns Directives Expert
Complete 3 objectives 25 Directive Score
Expert Submachine Guns Banner
Sirius SX12 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Eridani SX5 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NS-7 PDW Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
MKV Suppressed Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Submachine Guns Directives Master
Complete 4 objectives 100 Directive Score
Master Submachine Guns Banner,
Sirius SX12 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
Eridani SX5 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NS-7 PDW Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
MKV Suppressed Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills

Assault Rifles[]

Assault Rifles
Rank Requirements Rewards
AR Directives Novice
Complete 2 objectives Directive Score
AR-100 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
AR-101 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
AR-N203 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NSX Yumi Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NS-11A/B/G Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
AR Directives Adept
Complete 3 objectives 10 Directive Score
AR-100 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
AR-101 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
AR-N203 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NSX Yumi Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NS-11A/B/G Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
AR Directives Expert
Complete 4 objectives 25 Directive Score
Expert Assault Rifle Banner
AR-100 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
AR-101 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
AR-N203 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NSX Yumi Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NS-11A/B/G Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
AR Directives Master
Complete 5 objectives 100 Directive Score
Master Assault Rifle Banner,
AR-ARX Maxwell
AR-100 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
AR-101 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
AR-N203 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NSX Yumi Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NS-11A/B/G Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills


Rank Requirements Rewards
Carbines Directives Novice
Complete 2 objectives Directive Score
CB-100 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
CB-200 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
CB-X75 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NSX Tanto Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NS-11C/B/G Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Carbines Directives Adept
Complete 3 objectives 10 Directive Score
CB-100 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
CB-200 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
CB-X75 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NSX Tanto Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NS-11C/B/G Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Carbines Directives Expert
Complete 4 objectives 25 Directive Score
Expert Carbine Banner
CB-100 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
CB-200 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
CB-X75 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NSX Tanto Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NS-11C/B/G Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Carbines Directives Master
Complete 5 objectives 100 Directive Score
Master Carbine Banner,
CB-ARX Newton
CB-100 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
CB-200 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
CB-X75 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NSX Tanto Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NS-11C/B/G Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills

Rocket Launchers[]

Rocket Launchers
Rank Requirements Rewards
Launchers Directives Novice
Complete 2 objectives Directive Score
LAV-AG Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
LAV-LG Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
LAV-LA Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NS Decimator/B/G Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NS Annihilator/B/G Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NS-R3 Swarm Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NSX Masamune Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NS Scorpion Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Launchers Directives Adept
Complete 3 objectives 10 Directive Score
LAV-AG Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
LAV-LG Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
LAV-LA Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NS Decimator/B/G Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NS Annihilator/B/G Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NS-R3 Swarm Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NSX Masamune Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NS Scorpion Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Launchers Directives Expert
Complete 4 objectives 25 Directive Score
Expert Launcher Banner
LAV-AG Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
LAV-LG Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
LAV-LA Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NS Decimator/B/G Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NS Annihilator/B/G Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NS-R3 Swarm Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NSX Masamune Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NS Scorpion Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Launchers Directives Master
Complete 5 objectives 100 Directive Score
Master Launcher Banner,
The Kraken
LAV-AG Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
LAV-LG Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
LAV-LA Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NS Decimator/B/G Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NS Annihilator/B/G Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NS-R3 Swarm Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NSX Masamune Medal AuraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NS Scorpion Medal AuraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills

Light Machine Guns[]

Light Machine Guns
Rank Requirements Rewards
LMG Directives Novice
Complete 2 objectives Directive Score
XMG-100 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
XMG-155 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
XMG-200 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NSX Naginata Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NS-15M2/B/G/M1 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
LMG Directives Adept
Complete 3 objectives 10 Directive Score
XMG-100 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
XMG-155 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
XMG-200 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NSX Naginata Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NS-15M2/B/G/M1 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
LMG Directives Expert
Complete 4 objectives 25 Directive Score
Expert LMG Banner
XMG-100 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
XMG-155 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
XMG-200 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NSX Naginata Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NS-15M2/B/G/M1 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
LMG Directives Master
Complete 5 objectives 100 Directive Score
Master LMG Banner,
XMG-ARX Galilei
XMG-100 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
XMG-155 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
XMG-200 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NSX Naginata Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NS-15M2/B/G/M1 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills

Scout Rifles[]

Scout Rifles
Rank Requirements Rewards
Scout Rifles Directives Novice
Complete 1 objectives Directive Score
BAR-100 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
BAR-200 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
BAR-A75 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NSX Tomoe Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NS-30 Vandal/B/G Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Scout Rifles Directives Adept
Complete 2 objectives 10 Directive Score
BAR-100 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
BAR-200 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
BAR-A75 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NSX Tomoe Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NS-30 Vandal/B/G Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Scout Rifles Directives Expert
Complete 3 objectives 25 Directive Score
Expert Scout Rifles Banner
BAR-100 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
BAR-200 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
BAR-A75 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NSX Tomoe Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NS-30 Vandal/B/G Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Scout Rifles Directives Master
Complete 4 objectives 100 Directive Score
Master Scout Rifles Banner,
BAR-ARX Feynman
BAR-100 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
BAR-200 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
BAR-A75 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NSX Tomoe Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NS-30 Vandal/B/G Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills


Rank Requirements Rewards
Shotguns Directives Novice
Complete 2 objectives Directive Score
SG-100 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
SG-A25 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
HSG-400 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NS Baron G5/B/G Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NS Viscount G6 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Shotguns Directives Adept
Complete 3 objectives 10 Directive Score
SG-100 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
SG-A25 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
HSG-400 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NS Baron G5/B/G Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NS Viscount G6 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Shotguns Directives Expert
Complete 4 objectives 25 Directive Score
Expert Shotgun Banner
SG-100 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
SG-A25 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
HSG-400 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NS Baron G5/B/G Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NS Viscount G6 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Shotguns Directives Master
Complete 5 objectives 100 Directive Score
Master Shotgun Banner,
SG-ARX Rutherford
SG-100 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
SG-A25 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
HSG-400 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NS Baron G5/B/G Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NS Viscount G6 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills


Rank Requirements Rewards
Sidearms Directives Novice
Complete 2 objectives Directive Score
U-100 Lastly Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
U-150 Recall Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
U-200 Harbinger Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NS-357 Underboss/B/G Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NS-44 Commissioner/B/G Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NS-44L Blackhand/B/G Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NS-61 Emissary/B/G Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Hunter QCX/B/G Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NS-45 Pilot Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Sidearms Directives Adept
Complete 3 objectives 10 Directive Score
U-100 Lastly Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
U-150 Recall Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
U-200 Harbinger Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NS-357 Underboss/B/G Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NS-44 Commissioner/B/G Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NS-44L Blackhand/B/G Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NS-61 Emissary/B/G Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Hunter QCX/B/G Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NS-45 Pilot Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Sidearms Directives Expert
Complete 4 objectives 25 Directive Score
Expert Sidearms Banner
U-100 Lastly Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
U-150 Recall Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
U-200 Harbinger Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NS-357 Underboss/B/G Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NS-44 Commissioner/B/G Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NS-44L Blackhand/B/G Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NS-61 Emissary/B/G Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Hunter QCX/B/G Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NS-45 Pilot Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Sidearms Directives Master
Complete 5 objectives 100 Directive Score
Master Sidearms Banner,
U-ARX Dirac
U-100 Lastly Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
U-150 Recall Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
U-200 Harbinger Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NS-357 Underboss/B/G Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NS-44 Commissioner/B/G Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NS-44L Blackhand/B/G Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NS-61 Emissary/B/G Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
Hunter QCX/B/G Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NS-45 Pilot Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills

Sniper Rifles[]

Sniper Rifles
Rank Requirements Rewards
Scout Rifles Directives Novice
Complete 2 objectives Directive Score
SR-100 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
SR-150 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
SR-L75 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
ADVX // Mako Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NSX Daimyo Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NS-AM7 Archer/B/G Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Scout Rifles Directives Adept
Complete 3 objectives 10 Directive Score
SR-100 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
SR-150 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
SR-L75 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
ADVX // Mako Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NSX Daimyo Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NS-AM7 Archer/B/G Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Scout Rifles Directives Expert
Complete 4 objectives 25 Directive Score
Expert Sniper Rifles Banner
SR-100 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
SR-150 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
SR-L75 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
ADVX // Mako Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NSX Daimyo Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NS-AM7 Archer/B/G Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Scout Rifles Directives Master
Complete 5 objectives 100 Directive Score
Master Sniper Rifles Banner,
SR-ARX Einstein
SR-100 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
SR-150 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
SR-L75 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
ADVX // Mako Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NSX Daimyo Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NS-AM7 Archer/B/G Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills

Submachine Guns[]

Submachine Guns
Rank Requirements Rewards
Submachine Guns Directives Novice
Complete 1 objectives Directive Score
PMG-100 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
PMG-200 Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
PMG-3XB Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NS-7 PDW/B/G Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
MKV Suppressed/B/G Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NSX Tengu Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
NS-66 Punisher Medal CopperCopper Medal — 10 kills
Submachine Guns Directives Adept
Complete 2 objectives 10 Directive Score
PMG-100 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
PMG-200 Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
PMG-3XB Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NS-7 PDW/B/G Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
MKV Suppressed/B/G Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NSX Tengu Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
NS-66 Punisher Medal SilverSilver Medal — 60 kills
Submachine Guns Directives Expert
Complete 3 objectives 25 Directive Score
Expert Submachine Guns Banner
PMG-100 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
PMG-200 Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
PMG-3XB Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NS-7 PDW/B/G Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
MKV Suppressed/B/G Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NSX Tengu Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
NS-66 Punisher Medal GoldGold Medal — 160 kills
Submachine Guns Directives Master
Complete 4 objectives 100 Directive Score
Master Submachine Guns Banner,
PMG-ARX Schrodinger
PMG-100 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
PMG-200 Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
PMG-3XB Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NS-7 PDW/B/G Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
MKV Suppressed/B/G Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NSX Tengu Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills
NS-66 Punisher Medal AraxiumAuraxium Medal — 1160 kills



Rank Requirements Rewards
Construction Directives Novice
Complete 2 objectives Directive Score
Construction Spawns 30
Harvesting Ribbons 15
Deposit Cortium Ribbon 15
Repairing Construction Ribbon 1
AI Turret Kills 10
AV Turret Kills 10
AA Turret Kills 10
Flail Kills 10
Orbital Strike Kills 10
Construction Directives Adept
Complete 3 objectives 10 Directive Score,
Solid Wall
Construction Spawns 150
Harvesting Ribbons 75
Deposit Cortium Ribbon 75
Repairing Construction Ribbon 10
AI Turret Kills 60
AV Turret Kills 60
AA Turret Kills 60
Flail Kills 60
Orbital Strike Kills 60
Construction Directives Expert
Complete 4 objectives 25 Directive Score,
Title — "Builder",
Blueprint Banner
Construction Spawns 900
Harvesting Ribbons 450
Deposit Cortium Ribbon 450
Repairing Construction Ribbon 60
AI Turret Kills 160
AV Turret Kills 160
AA Turret Kills 160
Flail Kills 160
Orbital Strike Kills 160
Construction Directives Master
Complete 5 objectives 100 Directive Score,
WLT-ARX Mining Laser
Construction Spawns 2400
Harvesting Ribbons 1200
Deposit Cortium Ribbon 1200
Repairing Construction Ribbon 250
AI Turret Kills 1160
AV Turret Kills 1160
AA Turret Kills 1160
Flail Kills 1160
Orbital Strike Kills 1160
