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Page Contents Current As of Patch: 2022-04-05
GD Guardian
GD Guardian
Genudine's heavily modified Guardian rifle was initially designed for long-range support for Heavy Assault soldiers ambushing from on high or in cover. Deadly from even long distances, the accurate Guardian can drop targets from afar with ammo to spare.
Cert Cost: Unavailable Certification Points
DC Cost: Unavailable Daybreak Cash
General Info
Empire: Icon NC
Can Use: Icon InfiltratorIcon EngineerIcon Heavy AssaultIcon Combat Medic
Weapon Type: Scout Rifles
Fire Rate: 333 RPM
Muzzle Velocity: 680m/s
Effective Range: Long
Fire Modes: Semi-Auto
Headshot Multiplier: 2x
ADS Move Speed Multiplier: 0.5x
Equip Time: 950 ms
Max Damage: 250 before 15m
Min Damage: 225 after 95m
Reload Speed
Short Reload: 2s
Long Reload: 2.6s
Magazine Size: 20
Ammunition Pool: 120
Hip Aim
Crouch Still: 3 0
Move: 3.5 0.15
Stand Still: 3.5 0
Move: 4 0.15
Bloom per Shot: 0.2 0.1
Vertical: 0.51
Horizontal, Min/Max: 0.135/0.135
Horizontal Tolerance: 0.35
Angle Min/Max: 25°/25°
Recoil Decrease: 15
First Shot Recoil Multiplier: 1x
Data Sources?
Census DBG API source:

GD Guardian API Data

Census LF API source: GD Guardian API Data

The GD Guardian is a scout rifle available to the New Conglomerate. It is unlocked upon completion of the Master Scout Rifles directive.

The Genudine Dynamics Guardian is an 'auraxium' variant of the Warden, sharing most of the same base stats and decorated with a special 'auraxium' camo. Compared to the base weapon, the GD Guardian features a built-in Compensator, Forward Grip, and High Velocity Ammunition (without the maximum damage range penalty).


HS/NV Scope (1x)
Ns weapon scope hsnv scope
Icon Daybreak Cash 49 OR Icon resource certpoints 25x25 30
Nanite Systems' HS/NV scope has no magnification, but provides high contrast outlines to nearby objects and illuminates nearby soldiers.
TekLyte Reflex (1x)
TekLyte Reflex (1x)
Icon Daybreak Cash 49 OR Icon resource certpoints 25x25 30
TekLyte's standard reflex sight allows for superior close-range target acquisition over traditional iron sights.
More reticles for this sight available, see full article.
GD RefleXR (2x)
GD RefleXR (2x)
Icon Daybreak Cash 49 OR Icon resource certpoints 25x25 30
The RefleXR from Genudine Dynamics includes 2x magnification, making it the preferred sight for urban combat scenarios.
More reticles for this sight available, see full article.
LX Tacti-Eye (3.4x)
LX Tacti-Eye (3.4x)
Icon Daybreak Cash 49 OR Icon resource certpoints 25x25 30
Featuring 3.4x magnification and a simple crosshair, OcuLuxx's Tacti-Eye owes its success to its simplicity and ease of use.
LACO (3.4x)
LACO (3.4x)
Icon Daybreak Cash 49 OR Icon resource certpoints 25x25 30
Utilizing a holographic red dot and 3.4x magnification, the NC's Laser-Assisted Combat Optics has significant flexibility over other mid-range scopes.
TrueShot (4x)
TrueShot (4x)
Icon Daybreak Cash 49 OR Icon resource certpoints 25x25 30
The TrueShot makes use of a simple crosshair and 4x magnification. Its lightweight 'box' housing obscures less than typical scopes of its class.
LX Mark IV (4x)
LX Mark IV (4x)
Icon Daybreak Cash 49 OR Icon resource certpoints 25x25 30
OcuLuxx's sturdy Mark IV scope features 4x magnification and a triple chevron reticle, allowing the user to compensate for bullet drop.
BDS (6x)
BDS (6x)
Icon Daybreak Cash 49 OR Icon resource certpoints 25x25 30
The New Conglomerate's versatile Bold Driver Standard uses a mil-dot reticle and 6x magnification.
Compensator (NC)
Icon Daybreak Cash 49 OR Icon resource certpoints 25x25 100
A compensator redirects gases upward, reducing vertical recoil by 30%, and increasing hipfire cone of fire by 15%. The added sound pressure causes the player to show on the minimap 35m farther away.
Flash Suppressor
Flash Suppressor (NC)
Icon Daybreak Cash 49 OR Icon resource certpoints 25x25 100
A flash suppressor makes the shooter less visible to the enemy, but increases the range at which you appear on enemy minimaps by 15 meters.
Suppressor (NC)
Icon Daybreak Cash 49 OR Icon resource certpoints 25x25 100
The weapon's muzzle flash and noise generation is reduced, and the player no longer appears on the minimap when firing. In exchange, the weapon's damage falls off 20 meters sooner and bullet velocity is reduced by 15%.
Comfort Grip
Comfort Grip (NC)
Icon Daybreak Cash 49 OR Icon resource certpoints 25x25 100
A comfort grip reduces the time it takes to swap to the weapon by 30%, reduces horizontal recoil by 20%, but increases vertical recoil by 20%.
Darklight Flashlight
Darklight Flashlight
Icon Daybreak Cash 49 OR Icon resource certpoints 25x25 100
The rail mounted Darklight Flashlight can illuminate hostile cloaked infiltrators and dark areas but the light can give away your position.
The light can be turned on and off with Toggle Attachment hotkey.
Laser Sight
Laser Sight
Icon Daybreak Cash 49 OR Icon resource certpoints 25x25 100
A laser sight increases the user's hipfire accuracy by 33%.
Weighted Receiver
Weighted Receiver
Icon Daybreak Cash 49 OR Icon resource certpoints 25x25 100
Rebalanced material construction removes the weapon's aim down sights moving accuracy penalty, but the wielder moves 33% slower while aiming.
Disruptor Ammunition
Disruptor Ammunition (NC)
Icon Daybreak Cash 49 OR Icon resource certpoints 25x25 100
Converts 20% of your weapon's total damage into a disrupting pulse that drains 0.4% of a target's maximum shield health and ability energy for every point of weapon damage converted.
Heavy Magazine
Heavy Magazine
Icon Daybreak Cash 49 OR Icon resource certpoints 25x25 100
Increases magazine size by 2 rounds, but increases hipfire cone of fire by 20%.
Soft Point Ammunition
Soft Point Ammunition (NC)
Icon Daybreak Cash 49 OR Icon resource certpoints 25x25 100
Soft Point Ammunition increases the weapon's maximum damage range by 5 meters, but reduces its projectile velocity by 10%.


Versus Infantry
Infantry Body part Shots to Kill
0-15mAfter 95m
Icon Light AssaultInfantry Head 23
Torso 4(4)5(5)
Legs 5(5)5(5)
Icon InfiltratorInfiltrator Head 22
Torso 4(4)4(4)
Legs 4(4)5(5)
Icon Heavy AssaultHeavy Assault Overshield Head 34
Torso 6(6)7(7)
Legs 7(7)8(8)
Icon MAXMAX Head 2023
Torso 40(50)45(56)
Legs 45(56)50(62)
Versus Vehicles
Vehicle Armor Facing Shots to Kill
Before 15m After 95m
Link=FlashFlash - 30 (on fire @ 24) 34 (on fire @ 27)
Composite Armor 4 - 39 (on fire @ 32) 44 (on fire @ 35)
Link=HarasserHarasser - 77 (on fire @ 62) 86 (on fire @ 69)
Composite Armor 4 - 93 (on fire @ 74) 103 (on fire @ 83)
Sunderer DiagramSunderer - Immune
Blockade Armor 4 - Immune
Deployment Shield 4 - Immune
ANT DiagramANT - Immune
Lightning DiagramLightning Front/Top Immune
Prowler DiagramProwler/
Magrider DiagramMagrider
Front/Top Immune
Chimera DiagramChimera Front/Top Immune
Vanguard DiagramVanguard Front/Top Immune
Mosquito DiagramReaver DiagramScythe DiagramESF - 48 (on fire @ 39) 54 (on fire @ 43)
Composite Armor 4 - 53 (on fire @ 43) 59 (on fire @ 47)
Valkyrie DiagramValkyrie Front/Side/Top/Rear 120 (on fire @ 96) 134 (on fire @ 107)
Bottom 240 (on fire @ 192) 267 (on fire @ 214)
Composite Armor 4 Front/Side/Top/Rear 138 (on fire @ 111) 154 (on fire @ 123)
Bottom 276 (on fire @ 221) 307 (on fire @ 246)
Dervish DiagramDervish - 94 (on fire @ 75) 104 (on fire @ 83)
Composite Armor 4 - 103 (on fire @ 83) 115 (on fire @ 92)
Liberator DiagramLiberator - Immune
Composite Armor 4 - Immune
Galaxy DiagramGalaxy - Immune
Composite Armor 4 - Immune
Bastion Fleet Carrier DiagramBastion Weak Point - Immune

Ribbons and Medals[]

It is possible to earn both Ribbons and Medals while using the GD Guardian. Each ribbon is a standard reward for achieving a set amount of kills with the rifle. Medals are awarded upon reaching kill milestones with the weapon.


Ribbon Icon Requirements
GD Guardian
Service Ribbon
Scout Rifle Ribbon
10 kills
Find out more on the Service Ribbons article.


Medal Icon Requirement Award
No Medal
Medal Empty
0 kills N/A
Copper Medal
Medal Copper
10 kills Certification Points
Silver Medal
Medal Silver
60 kills 10 Certification Points
Gold Medal
Medal Gold
160 kills 20 Certification Points
Auraxium Medal
Medal Auraxium
1,160 kills 200 Certification Points


  • October 24, 2016 Update
    • Standing ADS CoF from 0.1 to 0
  • November 18, 2016 Hotfix
    • Aiming CoF while crouching from 0.1 to 0
    • Recoil recovery delay[1] from 0ms to -30ms
  • June 12, 2018 Update
    • Maximum ADS cone of fire while walking, crouching, standing, and crouchwalking from 3 to 0.3
    • Minimum ADS cone of fire while walking from 0.25 to 0.15
    • ADS CoF recovery rate from 20 to 100
    • Dev Note: These changes should make these battle rifles feel a bit more snappy and less punishing when maximizing their rate of fire.
  • March 30, 2022 Update (The Arsenal Update)
    • Enabled attachment customization on all applicable directive reward weapons.
    • Directive weapons can now be used with the Advanced Specialization Program.
      • Dev Note: The changes above allow for customization of the weapons you've spent hundreds of hours working toward, and also factor into the subsequent balance adjustments that are made in each faction's weapon balance sections further down.
    • Long reload speed from 3.4sec. to 2.6sec.
    • Short reload speed from 2.5sec. to 2sec.
      • Dev Note: Attachments do most of the heavy lifting on this weapon, but it's been given a more manageable reload in line with its predecessor.

