The Heavy Scout Rifle - 1 is a precise weapon geared very specifically for mid-range combat. Sacrificing magazine capacity and fire rate for predictable recoil and consistent damage at range, the weapon is excellent for dealing with enemies kept at range, but suffers in extended engagements at longer ranges or in dealing with situations where the distance has been closed.
A fast reload can help the user keep up with the pace of an engagement, however, and the weapon is capable of killing standard infantry in two headshots at all ranges, greatly rewarding precise marksmen.
The HSR-1, AF-6 Shadow, Nyx VX31 are statistically nigh-identical weapons, with the only difference found in the Vanu option's muzzle velocity, which is lowered in exchange for the faction's 'no bullet drop' trait.
Equipped with a combination chevron/crosshair reticle and 3.4x magnification capabilities, the TR's Designated Marksman Optics functions well at many ranges.
The 6x magnified S3 comes standard on many Terran sniper rifles. Its moderate zoom level and mil-dot sighting makes it perfect for mid-to-long range combat.
A compensator redirects gases upward, reducing vertical recoil by 30%, and increasing hipfire cone of fire by 15%. The added sound pressure causes the player to show on the minimap 35m farther away.
The weapon's muzzle flash and noise generation is reduced, and the player no longer appears on the minimap when firing. In exchange, the weapon's damage falls off 20 meters sooner and bullet velocity is reduced by 15%.
The rail mounted Darklight Flashlight can illuminate hostile cloaked infiltrators and dark areas but the light can give away your position. The light can be turned on and off with Toggle Attachment hotkey.
It is possible to earn both Ribbons and Medals while using the HSR-1. Each ribbon is a standard reward for achieving a set amount of kills with the rifle. Medals are awarded upon reaching kill milestones with the weapon.