PlanetSide 2 Wiki
Page Contents Current As of Patch: 2022-02-09
Benefit spawnTimer icon 64
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The Construction System is a gameplay mechanic that allows plays to erect various constructs in the playing field across Auraxis, harvesting a unique resource named Cortium to create and power these structures and modules.

The system is primarily interacted with using the Advanced Nanite Transport, a small truck capable of mining Cortium, deploying to reveal a terminal from which the system's myriad schematics can be accessed, and depositing cortium into a silo to power a constructed base.

Advanced Nanite Transport[]

Main article: Advanced Nanite Transport

The Advanced Nanite Transport, known as the ANT, is a mining vehicle intended solely to harvest Cortium and use it to build and power constructs, though can flex to provide some additional benefits. The ANT has a 2-man crew, with room for an additional 2 passengers.

ANTs are the lifeblood of any construction effort, using their mining lasers to harvest cortium and a large tank to store it for later deposit into a silo. If a silo is not present, the ANT can also be deployed to allow access to a full construction terminal, though is not designed to provide power to nearby modules that need it.


Main article: Cortium

A valuable ore found within the field areas on all major continents on Auraxis, Cortium is a potent fuel source and building material, able to be formed into sturdy buildings or powerful modules. Only dedicated mining lasers can harvest this material, and it can be consumed directly by the mining vehicle itself or deposited into a cortium silo to be used automatically as fuel for nearby modules or consumed later as a building material.

All constructions have varied costs tied to them, both for their initial constructions and for their per-second upkeep. The former cost is noted on the object's schematic.

Placing Constructs[]

Construction items are obtained from the terminal found on the rear of #Cortium Silo or a deployed ANT. Most schematics are locked by default, and are unlocked through purchase with Certification Points or Daybreak Cash.

Once a schematic is unlocked, a one-time deployable construct can be acquired from a construction terminal by consuming cortium from the parent vehicle or silo, or through a certification point payment. If certification points are used, no cortium will be consumed to acquire the construct in question, however it is still a one-time use deployable.

Constructs take up an inventory slot similar to the Engineer's deployables. When held in hand, constructs are then placed outside of a no-construction zone using a variety of controls and indicators to aid in their placement, with a hologram showing a preview of the construct prior to its placement.

  • To move the hologram, aim the camera as usual.
  • To rotate the hologram, use the Fire and Aim keys (Left Mouse Button and Right Mouse Button, respectively, by default) for counterclockwise and clockwise rotation respectively.
    • If the Crouch key (CTRL by default) is held, the rate of rotation will be slowed greatly.
  • To push the hologram further away, or bring it closer, hold both the Fire and Aim keys (Left Mouse Button and Right Mouse Button, respectively, by default) then attempt to look up or down, respective to the desired movement.
  • If the hologram is displayed in a bright green color, press the Interact key (E by default) to place the construct in that location.

There are several restrictions on where constructs can be placed. Similar to that found when attempting to deploy an AMS, large "no deploy zones" will be shown on the map when holding a construct in hand, areas within which they cannot be placed.

While in an eligible location, constructs are also restrained in their placement by "sockets"—blue and green orbs that limit the height (in relation to the ground) at which the construct can be placed. Each construct has a set of green "upper" orbs and blue "lower" orbs. Green orbs must be fully uncovered, not inside any terrain, while the opposite is true for blue orbs—which must be fully covered by terrain.


Some constructs provide beneficial effects to others within range, while other constructs share exclusion zones with themselves or similar constructs—preventing them from being placed too close to each other. These zones are shown as blue or red circles around the relevant construct.


Constructs that provide beneficial effects will display a blue circle around their hologram, indicating the range of their effect and highlighting any eligible constructs within that range in green.


The final placement indicator is that of the silo's exclusion range. Within this range, the silo claims ownership of all placed constructs, drawing upon its cortium stores to power them, and no other silos can be placed in a manner that would cause their exclusion radius to overlap with it. Modules must be placed within a silo's exclusion radius to remain claimed, and will quickly decay if they are not within range of a silo stocked with cortium. This zone is shown as an orange circle around the Silo.



List of Constructions
Cortium Silo · Elysium Spawn Tube
Skywall Shield Emitter · Structure Shield Module · Repair Module · Reconnaissance Module · Alarm Module
Blast Wall · Sunderer Garage · Infantry Tower · Vehicle Ramp · Pillbox · Rampart Wall · Solid Wall · Light Vehicle Terminal · Vehicle Ammo Dispenser · Light Air Terminal · Bunker · Vehicle Gate
Spear Anti-Vehicle Tower · Hoplon Anti-Aircraft Phalanx Tower · Xiphos Anti-Personnel Tower
Glaive IPC (Glaive Targeting Laser) · Orbital Strike Uplink (Orbital Strike Target Designator) · The Flail (Flail Targeting Laser)
Routing Spire · Pain Spire
Faction Banner
Field Tools
Welding Device


Cortium Silo[]

The Cortium Silo is the heart of all powered bases. Able to store an incredibly large quantity of cortium, the silo can allow prepared architects to keep their base powered during an extended siege that prevents ANTs from bringing home their load, or during the construction phase to allow other players to quickly erect constructions en masse.

The cortium silo is constructed with 2000 cortium within the tank, making the silo effectively free.

The cortium silo can store up to 50 000 cortium, with the silo's current capacity and cortium level being viewable from within the Construction Terminal located on one side of the silo, or visualised by the power meter on two sides of the silo.

To deposit cortium into a silo, a loaded ANT must be within range, and the driver is required to aim at the silo and hold down their «Fire» hotkey until transfer is complete.

Constructing a silo gives the builder and his squad dominance over an area of land surrounding it, preventing additional silos from being constructed and allowing them to deconstruct any allied buildings in range regardless of who erected them.

Silos reserve up to 20 000 cortium exclusively for the squad that constructed it, preventing any unaffiliated player from drawing cortium for construction once this threshold has been passed.

Silos will automatically power all modules within range until its cortium supply reaches zero, regardless of who built the modules, with the silo's owner and his squad being warned once the stockpile passes below 1000 cortium.

If the cortium silo reaches zero cortium, it will quickly begin to lose health before blowing up. While the silo has cortium, all modules under its radius will not decay, however will immediately begin decaying if the silo is removed.

This construction can be locked via the Change Access menu, accessed holding the «Spot Enemy» hotkey (Q by default) whilst looking at it to open a radial menu, where permissions can be changed between faction, platoon, squad and self.

Elysium Spawn Tube[]

The Elysium Spawn Tube is a powered module that allows allied players within range to respawn at the cost of cortium from the parent cortium silo. Players only receive the closest spawn tube as a viable spawn option, even if multiple are available in range.

If the player uses their «Interact» hotkey (E by default), they can link to a spawn tube allowing them to spawn on that specific tube regardless of range, so long as they are on the same continent. This can only be activated on a single spawn tube at a time.


Skywall Shield Emitter[]

The Skywall Shield Emitter is a powered module that projects a shield 15 meters above itself protecting allied players from enemy fire and crippling enemy forces that attempt to pass through at the cost of a cortium-per-second upkeep from the parent silo.

The shield completely blocks enemy fire, with no effect on allied fire, and will inflict enemy infantry with the same effects as an EMP Grenade should they pass through. Enemy vehicles of all types, will take a hit of heavy damage if they pass through the barrier.

The barrier is not immune, and will disappear if it sustains significant damage, though will come back online after a lengthy delay should the emitter survive.

Structure Shield Module[]

The Structure Shield Module is a powered module that projects one-way shields into the openings of various structures within its range at the cost of a cortium-per-second upkeep from the parent silo.

The structures that can be affected are as follows; the Rampart Wall, Sunderer Garage. Bunker, and Infantry Tower. In all openings, except the infantry entrance in the case of the latter two, a faction-specific shield is created prevent fire from passing through and harming those within. The shield prevents bullets and explosions alike. It also has a reach of 38m.

The module can be activated using «Interact» hotkey (E by default) whilst it is powered to activate Overcharge Shields. This ability turns all structures that the module is affecting invulnerably temporarily, though incurs a cooldown after the effect ends. Overcharge Shields have a reach of 32m. Which is 6m shorter then the default shields.

Repair Module[]

The Repair Module is a powered module that automatically repairs all modules within its range, except itself, at the cost of a cortium-per-second upkeep from the parent silo.

For various reasons, repair modules are arguably the most vital component of every base. Due to the sheer size of a base, it is not feasible to expect all engineers to be able to repair all chip damage taken by modules as a result of a siege, and the repair module helps alleviate this burden greatly.

Reconnaissance Module[]

The Reconnaissance Module is a powered module that reveals enemies on the minimap within the 50 meters of the module, similar to Infiltrator's Motion Spotter.

Alarm Module[]

The Alarm Module is a powered module that automatically alerts the owner and their squadmates if a nearby module is attacked, at the cost of a cortium-per-second upkeep from the parent silo.

All affiliated players will be warned periodically if modules are under fire with no limit on the amount of alerts they will receive, only a cooldown between each. Unique to this module, if the player who constructed the alarm is offline for more than 2 minutes, it will instantly deconstruct rather than needing the silo to die first.


Blast Wall[]

The Blast Wall is a structure that covers a small area of land, providing hard cover for infantry while allowing them to pass through fortifications freely.

It does not share the same wall pool as the Rampart, Lumifiber and Solid walls do, meaning you can place 2 of these in addition to 3 Rampart, Lumifiber and Solid walls

Sunderer Garage[]

The Sunderer Garage is a structure that provides a moderate amount of hard cover to infantry and vehicles sized smaller than a Sunderer.

If powered by a structure shield module, all openings will be covered by one-way shielding.

Infantry Tower[]

The Infantry Tower is a structure that provides a large amount of hard cover and an elevated firing position to infantry.

There is enough room, if the tower is placed partially within terrain, to place modules such as repair modules or an elysium spawn tube on the ground floor of the tower.

If powered by a structure shield module, all firing ports on all floors and the port atop the tower will be covered by one-way shields. The entrance is left unshielded.

Vehicle Ramp[]

The Vehicle Ramp is a structure that provides a ramp for ground vehicles to use.

In the March 12, 2018 Update, the prongs that protruded from the end of the ramp were removed.


The Pillbox is a structure that provides a moderate amount of hard cover to infantry and small modules.

There is enough room, if the pillbox is placed partially within terrain, to place small modules such as repair modules or an elysium spawn tube within the lower half of a pillbox.

If powered by a structure shield module, all firing ports and the port atop the roof will be covered by one-way shields. The entrance is unshielded.

Rampart Wall[]

The Rampart Wall is a structure that covers a large area of land, while providing hard cover for infantry with firing areas. The Lumifiber variant is functionally identical, providing only an aesthetic difference.

If powered by a structure shield module, all firing ports will be covered by one-way shields.

Solid Wall[]

The Solid Wall is a structure that covers a large area of land, while providing hard cover for infantry. Solid Wall share space with the Rampart Wall.

Light Vehicle Terminal[]

The Light Vehicle Terminal is a support module that allows players to consume a silo's cortium to spawn light ground vehicles.

The terminal is accessed as a normal vehicle terminal. However, spawning ground vehicles here will not consume a player's nanites. Instead, the terminal consumes 50 cortium for a Flash, 300 cortium for a Harasser or Lightning, or 400 cortium for a Sunderer or ANT from the parent cortium silo.

Infiltrators can hack the vehicle terminal present on the module, and can use it to spawn vehicles themselves if the cortium silo has over 20,000 units of cortium, which is reserved for the creator and their squad.

Vehicle Ammo Dispenser[]

The Vehicle Ammo Dispenser is a support module that resupplies nearby allied ground vehicles at the cost of a cortium-per-second upkeep from the parent silo.

When powered by a cortium silo, the Vehicle Ammo Dispenser functions identically to an Ammo Dump Tower.

Light Air Terminal[]

The Light Air Terminal is a support module that allows players to consume a silo's cortium to spawn light air vehicles. The pad also provides ammunition to allied aircraft while powered by a cortium silo.

The terminal is accessed as a normal air terminal. However, spawning aircraft here will not consume a player's nanites. Instead, the terminal consumes 400 cortium for an ESF or 300 cortium for a Valkyrie from the parent cortium silo.

Infiltrators can hack the air terminal present on the module, and can use it to spawn vehicles themselves if the cortium silo has over 20,000 units of cortium, which is reserved for the creator and their squad.


The Bunker is a structure that provides a large amount of hard cover to infantry.

If powered by a cortium silo, the bunker gains access to an infantry terminal. If powered by a structure shield module, the bunker gains one-way shielding in all firing ports. The entrance is left unshielded.

Vehicle Gate[]

The Vehicle Gate is a structure that provides a small amount of hard cover to infantry and vehicles.

If powered by a cortium silo, a massive vehicle shield will be projected between the two wall sections, blocking enemy vehicles and their weaponry.


Spear Anti-Vehicle Tower[]

The Spear Anti-Vehicle Tower is a turret tower, with a Spear Phalanx Anti-Vehicle Turret mounted atop, designed primarily for anti-vehicle support. The Spear Anti-Vehicle Turret is simply the turret, with no tower.

This construction can be locked via the «Change Access» menu, accessed holding the «Spot Enemy» hotkey (Q by default) whilst looking at it to open a radial menu, where permissions can be changed between the player's empire, platoon, squad, or exclusively themselves.

Hoplon Anti-Aircraft Phalanx Tower[]

The Hoplon Anti-Aircraft Phalanx Tower is a turret tower, with a Aspis Phalanx Anti-Vehicle Turret mounted atop, designed primarily for anti-air support.

This construction can be locked via the «Change Access» menu, accessed holding the «Spot Enemy» hotkey (Q by default) whilst looking at it to open a radial menu, where permissions can be changed between the player's empire, platoon, squad, or exclusively themselves.

Xiphos Anti-Personnel Tower[]

The Xiphos Anti-Personnel Tower is a turret tower, with a Xiphos Phalanx Anti-Personnel Turret mounted atop, designed primarily for anti-infantry support.

This construction can be locked via the «Change Access» menu, accessed holding the «Spot Enemy» hotkey (Q by default) whilst looking at it to open a radial menu, where permissions can be changed between the player's empire, platoon, squad, or exclusively themselves.


Glaive IPC[]

The Glaive IPC is an unmanned turret that provides long-range fire support versus shielded threats, primarily bases.

The Glaive's ion blasts deal huge damage to a Skywall Shield Emitter's projected barrier, and will disable the shields created by Structure Shield Modules and Vehicle Gates if the modules are hit. The ion blasts also deal minor damage to normal targets, typically not enough to kill infantry, and it is vastly outclassed by the Flail for dealing general damage.

The Glaive can be accessed through a terminal by affiliated players to obtain the Glaive Targeting Laser.

When powered by a cortium silo, the Glaive Targeting Laser can be used to designate a location between 100 and 1000 meters away for the Glaive to fire a single barrage. Each barrage drains 50 cortium from the silo, and the Glaive will report "out of range" if the cost cannot be paid.

All nearby players are warned of an incoming Glaive barrage by an icon on their map. Each barrage consists of three shots, which land in a roughly 50 meter radius of where the laser targeted.

This construction can be locked via the «Change Access» menu, accessed holding the «Spot Enemy» hotkey (Q by default) whilst looking at it to open a radial menu, where permissions can be changed between the player's squad, or exclusively themselves.

Glaive Targeting Laser[]
Glaive Targeting Laser
IPC Targeting Dart
Aim at a location you want the Glaive to hit. Must maintain fire for several seconds to establish a target. Each tool is linked to and can only be used to designate targets for the Glaive it is pulled from.
Cert Cost: Unavailable Certification Points
DC Cost: Unavailable Daybreak Cash
General Info
Empire: Icon NS
Can Use: Icon InfiltratorIcon Light AssaultIcon Combat MedicIcon EngineerIcon Heavy Assault
Data Sources?
Census DBG API source:

Glaive Targeting Laser API Data

Census LF API source: Glaive Targeting Laser API Data

The Glaive Targeting Laser is a tool used for calling ion artillery from a Glaive IPC. It can be acquired by interacting with a Glaive's terminal.

This tool emits a visible beam that must be focused on a stationary target for 3 seconds, after which the Glaive will fire a single barrage at the target, described in Glaive IPC. The tool cannot target locations within no-construction zones, as displayed in red on the minimap while wielding the tool.

Orbital Strike Uplink[]

The Orbital Strike Uplink is a structure that allows affiliated players to call down devastating orbital lasers at a targeted location.

When powered by a cortium silo, the Uplink slowly begins to build up charge, denoting its range. The charge can be viewed by all players of all factions at all times, allowing them to see the strike range of the uplink.

The Uplink's range is not unlimited. Instead the range is limited by the charge, which will grow as the structure is kept alive and powered.

Each orbital strike gives a 15 second warning before firing, including an audible callout, displaying its blast radius on the minimap, immediately dealing 1 EMP damage to create a static effect, and shining a wide faction-colored beam from the sky. After this warning, the orbital strike will occur, dealing lethal damage within its primary radius and heavily knocking back all entities in an even larger radius.

Note that the Orbital Strike does not discriminate between factions, and will damage all players and structures it hits, regardless of allegiance.

Maximum range : 800 m

Minimum range : 200 m

Orbital Strike Target Designator[]
Orbital Strike Target Designator
Orbital Strike Target Designator
Designates a target for the connected OS uplink. For valid acquisition, the target must be no less than 200 meters from the uplink, fall within its current strike range (displayed on the map), and be within visual range of the designator.
Cert Cost: Unavailable Certification Points
DC Cost: Unavailable Daybreak Cash
General Info
Empire: Icon NS
Can Use: Icon InfiltratorIcon Light AssaultIcon Combat MedicIcon EngineerIcon Heavy Assault
Data Sources?
Census DBG API source:

Orbital Strike Target Designator API Data

Census LF API source: Orbital Strike Target Designator API Data

The Orbital Strike Target Designator is a tool used for calling orbital strikes from an Orbital Strike Uplink. It can be acquired by interacting with an Orbital Strike Uplink's terminal.

This tool emits a visible beam that must be focused on a stationary target for 3 seconds, after which an orbital strike will begin, described in Orbital Strike Uplink.

The Flail[]

The Flail is an unmanned turret that provides long-range fire support versus infantry and stationary targets.

The Flail can be accessed through a terminal on the base of the artillery piece by affiliated players to obtain the Flail Targeting Laser.

When powered by a cortium silo, the Flail Targeting Laser can be used to designate a location between 100 and 600 meters away for the Flail to fire a single barrage. Each barrage drains 100 cortium from the silo, and the Flail will report "out of range" if the cost cannot be paid.

Each barrage consists of four shots that land within an approximate 10 meter radius from the targeted location but deal splash damage out to 20 meters. All nearby players are warned of an incoming Flail barrage's impact point by an icon on their map. Players near the bombardment zone will see a column of red smoke similar to a Squad Leader placing a smoke marker at the targeted location. If the red smoke has rendered for you, you are going to be shelled.

This construction can be locked via the «Change Access» menu, accessed holding the «Spot Enemy» hotkey (Q by default) whilst looking at it to open a radial menu, where permissions can be changed between the player's squad, or exclusively themselves.

Flail damage graph

A chart of the damage dealt by Flail barrages. This data is from prior to the Nanite of the Living Dead 2022 update, which lowered the Flail's damage output somewhat.

Flail Targeting Laser[]
Flail Targeting Laser
IPC Targeting Dart
Aim at a location you want the Flail to hit. Must maintain fire for several seconds to establish a target. Each tool is linked to and can only be used to designate targets for the Flail it is pulled from.
Cert Cost: Unavailable Certification Points
DC Cost: Unavailable Daybreak Cash
General Info
Empire: Icon NS
Can Use: Icon InfiltratorIcon Light AssaultIcon Combat MedicIcon EngineerIcon Heavy Assault
Data Sources?
Census DBG API source:

Flail Targeting Laser API Data

Census LF API source: Flail Targeting Laser API Data

The Flail Targeting Laser is a tool used for calling ion artillery from a Flail. It can be acquired by interacting with a Flail's terminal.

This tool emits a visible beam that must be focused on a stationary target for 3 seconds, after which the Flail will fire a single barrage at the target, described in The Flail. The tool cannot target locations within no-construction zones, as displayed in red on the minimap while wielding the tool.


Routing Spire[]

The Routing Spire is a spire. It provides access to the Router, a deployable pad that provides a spawn option to all members of the parent empire.

Once constructed, a terminal is revealed on the side of the spire from which a Router can be acquired. Doing so will immediately destroy the previous router placed by that spire, if applicable.

Routers are a deployable item that can be placed anywhere there is room, even inside of no deploy zones, so long as they are placed within a 500 meter radius of their parent spire. They will appear as a spawn option to all allies within range, simply listed as "Router" (with no reference to the deployer, unlike AMS spawns).

Routers can be destroyed by most weapons fire, and will be destroyed if another router is taken from its parent spire, or its parent spire is destroyed or otherwise taken offline.

Like other construction-related items, Routers only remain in the user's inventory until the end of their current life, thus necessitating the player has a method to reach their destination that does not involve redeploying.

The Routing Spire shares a large exclusion radius with itself, preventing another spire from being placed within an 100 meter radius. When placed, a Routing Spire will display a large blue circle around itself on the map of all members of its parent empire, denoting its range.

Pain Spire[]

The Pain Spire is a structure that provides anti-infantry and anti-MAX support to a base, at the cost of a cortium-per-second upkeep from the parent silo.

When powered by a cortium silo, the spire slowly damages all enemy infantry and MAXes within 15 meters. The pain zone is marked by a floating circle made of orange rectangles.


Faction Banner[]

The Faction Banner is a cosmetic structure that displays the constructing faction's logo atop a small spire.

The banner provides no function to a base other than aesthetics.

Field Tools[]

Welding Device[]

Welding Device
Welding Device
The Welding Device can repair construction objects; despawn constructs you or your squad mates have placed; and despawn any construction object within your Silo's sphere of influence.
Hold Fire to repair and Aim to deconstruct.
Cert Cost: Unavailable Certification Points
DC Cost: Unavailable Daybreak Cash
General Info
Empire: Icon NS
Can Use: Icon InfiltratorIcon Light AssaultIcon Combat MedicIcon EngineerIcon Heavy Assault
Data Sources?
Census DBG API source:

Welding Device API Data

Census LF API source: Welding Device API Data

The Welding Device is a tool available to all classes, that allows them to repair allied constructions at the rate of a rank 3 Nano Armor Kit, and deconstruct buildings by players affiliated with a cortium silo placed within it's influence.

Any building can be repaired — hold the «Fire» hotkey(Left Mouse Button by default) to repair, and any building within range of a cortium silo can be deconstructed by affiliated players, regardless of who placed it. To do so, find the small blue monitor on the construction and hold «Aim» hotkey(Right Mouse Button by default) to deconstruct.


Rank Requirements Rewards
Construction Directives Novice
Complete 2 objectives Directive Score
Construction Spawns 30
Harvesting Ribbons 15
Deposit Cortium Ribbon 15
Repairing Construction Ribbon 1
AI Turret Kills 10
AV Turret Kills 10
AA Turret Kills 10
Flail Kills 10
Orbital Strike Kills 10
Construction Directives Adept
Complete 3 objectives 10 Directive Score,
Solid Wall
Construction Spawns 150
Harvesting Ribbons 75
Deposit Cortium Ribbon 75
Repairing Construction Ribbon 10
AI Turret Kills 60
AV Turret Kills 60
AA Turret Kills 60
Flail Kills 60
Orbital Strike Kills 60
Construction Directives Expert
Complete 4 objectives 25 Directive Score,
Title — "Builder",
Blueprint Banner
Construction Spawns 900
Harvesting Ribbons 450
Deposit Cortium Ribbon 450
Repairing Construction Ribbon 60
AI Turret Kills 160
AV Turret Kills 160
AA Turret Kills 160
Flail Kills 160
Orbital Strike Kills 160
Construction Directives Master
Complete 5 objectives 100 Directive Score,
WLT-ARX Mining Laser
Construction Spawns 2400
Harvesting Ribbons 1200
Deposit Cortium Ribbon 1200
Repairing Construction Ribbon 250
AI Turret Kills 1160
AV Turret Kills 1160
AA Turret Kills 1160
Flail Kills 1160
Orbital Strike Kills 1160

Removed Constructions[]


The Hardline Interference Volume Emitter or HIVE was a structure that progressed the building empire towards victory on the continent through various means throughout its life, at the cost of a cortium-per-second upkeep from its parent silo.

While powered by a cortium silo and whilst it held a Core, the HIVE refined cortium towards the empire's road to victory. Early in its life cycle, the HIVE's refined cortium was dedicated torwards Victory Points, an old mechanic that locked the continent for that empire once a certain amount of them were acquired. Later, a certain amount of refined cortium was required for a faction to trigger a Meltdown Alert.

Active HIVEs refined cortium at rate based on their proximity to the enemy Warpgate, and would only do so as long as they were powered by a nearby cortium silo. If a HIVE's parent silo ran out of cortium, the HIVE would stop providing refined cortium to the war effort, and the core would be reassigned to another HIVE.

The structure of the HIVE was vulnerable to damage so long as there was no core contained. If a core was within the HIVE, all but a small shielded area near the bottom of the structure were invulnerable. Shooting this shielded area or overloading it would leave the core vulnerable. Destroying this core through damage would detonate the HIVE, dealing incredible area-

While powered by a structure shield module, the HIVE would receive a large bubble surrounding the entire structure, rendering the HIVE itself immune from damage. This shield could be brought down by destroying or disabling the structure shield module, or dealing significant damage to the shield. If the HIVE took no damage for a period of time, the shield would reappear.

Players below battle rank 15 could not place a HIVE, and HIVEs were unable to be placed in the vicinity of an Orbital Strike Uplinks.

Deconstruction Tool[]

Deconstruction Tool
Deconstruction Tool
Deconstruction Tool is used to quickly despawn construction objects you or any of your squad members have placed; it can also be used to despawn any construction object within the sphere of influence of a HIVE you or your squad members own.
Cert Cost: Unavailable Certification Points
DC Cost: Unavailable Daybreak Cash
General Info
Empire: Icon NS
Can Use: Icon InfiltratorIcon Light AssaultIcon Combat MedicIcon EngineerIcon Heavy Assault
Data Sources?
Census DBG API source:

Deconstruction Tool API Data

Census LF API source: Deconstruction Tool API Data
The Deconstruction Tool was a tool used by players affiliated with a cortium silo to deconstruct buildings placed within it's influence.

Functionality was merged with Welding Device in the August 15, 2018 Update.

Reinforcements Module[]

The Reinforcements Module was a module that flagged all deployed Sunderers within range for reinforcements at the cost of a cortium-per-second upkeep from the parent silo.

This module caused all affected Sunderers to be judged under the normal reinforcement rules that standard lattice bases are. allowing them to be chosen for continent-wide reinforcement if the bases' lattice comes under high threat.

It was replaced with Reconnaissance Module with November 17, 2021 Update.


External Links[]
