The T5 AMC's damage output and controllable recoil was designed around giving Terran Republic soldiers increased effectiveness in medium range encounters.
The T5 Automatic Marksman Carbine is designed to be the premier long-range carbine. With incredibly low recoil, a relatively quick reload speed, faster aimed movement speed, plus the highest muzzle velocity of any carbine, the T5 AMC is geared from the outset for the role, though makes sacrifices in close-quarters potency to achieve this. It also has access to the Terran Republic exclusive KCAP Ammunition instead of Soft Point Ammunition.
The T5 is statistically similar to the NS-11Aassault rifle with several key differences. Lower bullet velocity, a recoil pattern that doesn't slant to one side, and a slightly longer reload with a higher base magazine capacity being among those distinctions. More obviously, it is not available for use by Combat Medics by default, and is available to Engineer and Light Assault troops instead. Medics who wish to use the T5 will need to apply for Advanced Specialization for carbine certification.
Equipped with a combination chevron/crosshair reticle and 3.4x magnification capabilities, the TR's Designated Marksman Optics functions well at many ranges.
The 6x magnified S3 comes standard on many Terran sniper rifles. Its moderate zoom level and mil-dot sighting makes it perfect for mid-to-long range combat.
A compensator redirects gases upward, reducing vertical recoil by 30%, and increasing hipfire cone of fire by 15%. The added sound pressure causes the player to show on the minimap 35m farther away.
The weapon's muzzle flash and noise generation is reduced, and the player no longer appears on the minimap when firing. In exchange, the weapon's damage falls off 20 meters sooner and bullet velocity is reduced by 15%.
The rail mounted Darklight Flashlight can illuminate hostile cloaked infiltrators and dark areas but the light can give away your position. The light can be turned on and off with Toggle Attachment hotkey.
High Velocity Ammunition increases the weapon's projectile velocity by 10% and minimum damage range by 20 meters, but reduces the weapon's maximum damage range by 2 meters.
It is possible to earn both Ribbons and Medals while using the T5 AMC. Each ribbon is a standard reward for achieving a set amount of kills with the carbine. Medals are awarded upon reaching kill milestones with the weapon.