PlanetSide 2 Wiki
Page Contents Current As of Patch: 2021-03-25

As a first-person shooting game, PlanetSide 2 has a slew of in-depth mechanics that dictate the firing characteristics of every gun in-game to give them unique firing mechanics to each other. Below, every stat relevant to infantry weaponry is explained in detail.

Fire Rate[]

Measured in rounds per minute (RPM), fire rate is the theoretical, average number of rounds a weapon can fire in one minute if it had infinite ammunition. This stat ignores a weapon's magazine size or heat capacity, and for non-automatic weapons, it assumes the trigger is pulled as fast as the weapon can theoretically fire.

Internally, PlanetSide 2 uses refire time to dictate a weapon's fire rate. A weapon that lists a fire rate of 600 RPM, for instance, has a refire time of 100ms, meaning there is a space of 100 milliseconds between each round fired if the weapon is fired at its maximum potential fire rate.

Single-shot weapons like tank cannons derive their fire rate from their reload speed.

Muzzle Velocity[]

The speed of the bullet, in meters per second (m/s). Bullets fired from a weapon with a muzzle velocity of 500m/s take 1 second to travel 500 meters and 2 seconds to travel 1000 meters, as an example.

Several attachments can affect the muzzle velocity of attached weapons, either positively or negatively.


Though typically identical for all infantry weaponry, a weapon's (hidden) gravity statistic affects how much its projectiles drop while traveling. Most small arms weaponry (not including sniper rifles) specific to the Vanu Sovereignty has a gravity of 0—their bullets do not drop while traveling.

Rocket Launchers[]

Certain rocket launchers have their muzzle velocity vary based on their fire mode, as well as over time after being fired. Rocket launchers with the capability of locking onto targets, such as the Hawk GD-68, will accelerate from their starting muzzle velocity up to a much higher velocity if fired with a successful lock.

ADS Move Speed Multiplier[]

The multiplier applied to your movement speed when aiming down sights. Most weaponry have a multiplier of 0.5x, causing the user to move at 50% their walking speed when aiming, though some weapons have a multiplier of 0.75x allowing the player to move at 75% walking speed instead.


The damage dealt to a standard infantry target. This number exclusively describes the damage dealt to normal infantry, it does not factor in the resistances that many targets have.

Many vehicles, as well as MAXes and infantry with Nanoweave Armor or Flak Armor, take reduced or increased damage from most weaponry.

See Vehicle armor and damage resistance for more in-depth information.


Depending on the area hit, infantry take increased or reduced damage from bullets as well. Various weapons also have different multipliers for headshot damage.

  • 1.0x (normal damage) — Body shots
  • 0.9x (90% damage) — Leg shots

Indirect Damage[]

The damage dealt in the immediate area surrounding an explosion. Typically does less damage the further away the victim is.

If the explosive directly hits the target and explodes, indirect damage is dealt alongside the direct damage if the target is vulnerable to it.

All vehicles are immune to indirect damage dealt by most explosives, barring Anti-Vehicle Grenades, C-4, and Tank Mines. Aircraft are vulnerable to indirect damage dealt by flak explosions such as that from a Skyguard, and it will typically be the only damage they receive from such weaponry.


Reload Speed[]

The short reload of a weapon is the time taken, in seconds, for the magazine to be replaced if there was at least one round left in the chamber when it was initiated. It is typically shorter from the long reload.

The long reload of a weapon is the time taken, in seconds, for the magazine to be replaced if all rounds were emptied from the gun. Internally, this is the weapon's reload time plus a "chamber time".

Only the short reload time must pass before rounds are added to the magazine, even if a long reload has been incurred. Once this time has passed, the user can put away their weapon (such as by changing to another piece of equipment or using Quick Melee) and, when they equip that weapon again, the magazine will be refilled even if the animation was not passed.

Ammunition Pool[]

The number of rounds, in reserve, the given weapon has. If this number reaches zero, the weapon cannot be reloaded.

This can be replenished at an Ammunition Package for infantry weaponry, a Ammo Dump Tower for ground vehicle weaponry, or a Landing Pad for aircraft weaponry.

It can also be increased through various upgrades, such as Ammunition Belt.

Magazine Size[]

The number of rounds in the weapon's magazine. This number simply measures the amount of shots that can be fired without requiring a reload. If the magazine size reaches zero, a long reload is forced.

If the ammunition pool is empty, the magazine cannot be replenished.


Heat is a unique ammunition mechanic available to various items such as turrets, support tools, select Vanu and NSO weaponry, and more.

A weapon or turret with a heat-based ammo pool generates heat per shot, and various tools with a heat-based ammo pool generate heat per second. They all have a heat capacity, heat recovery rate, heat recovery delay and overheat penalty.

Heat Capacity[]

The total amount of heat that can be generated before overheating. If the heat recovery delay is allowed to pass, this will begin to dissipate at the rate dictated by the item's heat recovery rate. If the heat capacity is exceeded, it will suffer the overheat penalty, and will be unusable until fully cooled.

Heat per Shot / Heat per Second[]

Every time a heat-based item is used, it generates heat that is added to the heat capacity. This varies from item to item, and if the heat generated causes the heat capacity to overfill, the overheat penalty is incurred.

Heat Recovery Rate[]

After the heat recovery delay has been waited out, or the overheat penalty has been passed, the item will begin to cool down and lose heat at the heat recovery rate per second, varying from item to item.

Heat Recovery Delay[]

If the item is not used for the heat recovery delay, measured in seconds, it will begin to dissipate heat at the heat recovery rate. Every time the item is used, this delay must be incurred again.

If an overheat penalty is incurred, the overheat penalty delay is suffered instead.

Overheat Penalty[]

If the item's heat capacity is met or exceeded, it will suffer an overheat penalty. After a relatively lengthy delay, it will begin to cool at the heat recovery rate, though it cannot be used until the heat capacity is fully emptied. More recently, many Vanu weapons are reloaded upon overheating instead of suffering an overheat penalty.


Taking a previous iteration of the Betelgeuse 54-A to keep the math simpler, it had a heat capacity of 1000, generated 20 heat per shot, had a heat recovery delay of 0.5 seconds, a heat recovery rate of 240, and an overheat penalty of 3.28 seconds.

If the weapon was fired 12 times consecutively, it would have generated 240 heat. After a 0.5s delay, the weapon began to cool at a rate of 240 heat per second. After 1 second, the heat capacity returned to zero.

If the weapon was fired 50 times consecutively, it would have generated 1000 heat, incurring the overheat penalty. After a 3.28 second delay, the weapon began to cool at a rate of 240 heat per second, and could not be fired until the heat capacity reached zero, which took a total of about 7.4 seconds from the time of overheating.

Please visit the Betelgeuse 54-A page for the most up-to-date weapon stats.



Visual representation of Cone of Fire from original PlanetSide.

Cone of Fire[]

The cone of fire is a theoretical cone that extends from the centre of your screen. It dictates the area that your bullets may go when fired, though the exact location the bullet will go is entirely random.

The cone of fire is dictated by many factors, such as your movement state, your stance and how many shots you have fired recently. Unless the weapon being used is a carbine, jumping will automatically cause the cone of fire to maximise.

Hip Accuracy[]

The hip accuracy of a weapon dictates the base cone of fire when the weapon is not aiming down sight. This is typically larger than the aim accuracy of the weapon in the same stance. Hip accuracy is affected by the user standing, crouching and moving.

Aim Accuracy[]

The aim accuracy of a weapon dictates the base cone of fire weapon the weapon is aiming down the sight. This is typically smaller than the hip accuracy of the weapon in the same stance. Aim accuracy is affected by the user standing, crouching and moving.

Bloom per Shot[]

The bloom per shot dictates the increase of the cone-of-fire with each shot fired. This varies on most weaponry based on whether or not the user is aiming or crouching, though is not affected by movement.

Maximum Cone of Fire[]

At a certain size, the cone of fire will stop increasing via the bloom. This is the maximum cone of fire, and also varies based on your movement state and stance.


Recoil Explanation

Recoil Explanation example of one shot with TRAC-5.[1]

The amount of "kick" weapon have, represented by degrees in angle, generally more recoil means more crosshair bounce.

Vertical Recoil[]

When most weapons fire, the gun will recoil upwards. The angle, in degrees, at which the weapon will kick is shown by the vertical recoil stat.

Horizontal Recoil Min/Max[]

When most weapons fire, the gun will recoil sideways. The angle, in degrees, at which the weapon will kick is shown by the horizontal recoil min and horizontal recoil max stats.

Horizontal Recoil Tolerance[]

The horizontal recoil tolerance dictates the amount of times the horizontal recoil can kick a weapon in one direction. This is measured in degrees

To put it simply, the gun can recoil no further than half of the gun's horizontal recoil tolerance, in degrees, in a single direction before it must recoil the other way. For instance, Gun X has a horizontal recoil tolerance of 0.6. If the gun recoils to the right twice with a horizontal recoil of 0.2, which is 0.4 degrees, it will exceed the horizontal tolerance (half of 0.6, which is 0.3 degrees) and the next shot will recoil to the left.

For further reading, visit Iridar's horizontal recoil tolerance explanation.[2]

Recoil Angle Min/Max[]

As well as horizontal and vertical recoil, the recoil angle dictates which direction the weapon will be biased in recoiling towards in the horizontal plane. If the min and max recoil angles can be added to come to zero, there will be no bias and the weapon will be just as likely to go left as right. However, if the angles add to a positive then the gun will far more likely to recoil right, and vice versa for a negative.

For further reading, visit Iridar's recoil angle explanation.[3]

Horizontal Recoil Bias[]

Horizontal recoil bias is not actually an in-game stat, rather a largely simplified explanation of the gun's recoil angles and which horizontal direction the recoil will be biased towards.

Recoil Decrease[]

Measured in degrees per second, the recoil decrease shows how fast your gun will return to the initial firing position after the trigger is released.

First Shot Recoil Multiplier[]

Most weapons will have a larger or smaller amount of vertical recoil on the first shot fired. The first shot recoil multiplier displays the multiplier applied to the recoil of the first shot of any given burst from the weapon. If the multiplier is 1.8x, the gun's vertical recoil will be 180% of the normal value on the first shot.

The multiplier can be less than 1, reducing recoil on the first shot fired (such as on the SABR-13), will not affect subsequent shots in a burst or during full-auto fire, and can be incurred several times per magazine via burst firing or semi-auto fire.


  1. Weapon Mechanics. Archived from the original on 9 Jan 2019.
  2. Weapon Mechanics — Horizontal Recoil Tolerance. Archived from the original on 9 Jan 2019.
  3. Weapon Mechanics — Recoil Angle. Archived from the original on 9 Jan 2019.


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